cardiovascular diseases

Moderate Drinking May Damage Aging Hearts

According to a new study, despite the positive effects on cardiovascular systems of moderate alcohol consumption, seniors with aging hearts who consume two or more drinks a day may be doing some damage to their hearts.

Treatment for Depression Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

In a three-year study of 5,000 patients suffering from moderate to severe depression, those treated with antidepressants showed lower rates of death due to coronary artery disease and stroke compared to those who did not take the medication.

Health Experts Reveal Importance of a Low-Fat Diet, and Urge Americans to Splurge on Veggies Instead

As Catholics around the world steer clear from the butcher aisles today, and every other Friday for the remainder of Lent, they’ll be pleased to know that a panel of experts are in support of their new dietary habits. In fact, they’re proposing that all Americans opt for more fruits and vegetables, rather than slowly killing themselves with poor food choices rich in cholesterol and fat.
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