
Moderate Drinking May Damage Aging Hearts

According to a new study, despite the positive effects on cardiovascular systems of moderate alcohol consumption, seniors with aging hearts who consume two or more drinks a day may be doing some damage to their hearts.

Shape of Glass Affects Drinking Behavior

Could the glass you are served your adult beverage of choice in change how you drink? New research from England now says yes as researchers found that people drink more slowly when alcohol is served in a straight sided glass than when its served in glasses with curved sides

Bottoms Up: Americans Are Drinking Way More Than Ever Before

Heavy drinking is on the rise in many parts of the United States with researchers reporting that it is up by 17 percent since 2005, pushing the amount of alcohol consumed higher than ever before with rates rising faster among women than among men.

Kids Who Sip Alcohol May Be More Likely to Abuse It Later In Life

You may want to think twice before you let your kids try a little taste of the beer or wine you are drinking. According to a new study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, kids who sip drinks now and then are more likely to start drinking earlier, and tend to abuse alcohol when they drink.

‘Water Man of India’ Takes Prize for Bringing Hope to A Dry Future

While the Nobel Peace Prize may applaud many great acts of human kindness and perseverance, not every year’s winners are designated as those that feed the masses or even bring essential components of life, such as water, to those in need. In order to applaud these efforts, the Stockholm Water Prize was created as the unofficial “Nobel Prize for water”, and each year it recognizes those fighting in the most impoverished nations for potable water to be brought to masses. This year’s laureate, however, is one for the record books as he alone has brought water to 1,000 villages across northern India.

Binge Drinking Hurts Your Immune System

Party goers everywhere are disappointed to learn from a new study that binge drinking, or even getting drunk, can slow down your immune system leaving you more susceptible to infection.

CDC Asks What’s Worse—Occasional Binging or Full-Blown Alcoholism?

Here in the U.S., with peaking numbers of DUI’s and staggering alcohol-related deaths, the government and the general public realizes that we’re facing a problem with alcohol and its effects on society. But many are left wondering, what’s worse: an occasional binge when out for a night on the town, or full-blown alcoholism? You may be surprised to find out that a new study conducted by the U.S. government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that while excessive drinking is responsible for over 88,000 deaths a year, nine out of ten Americans who drink excessively do not meet the criteria to be classified as “alcoholics”. So it’s binge drinking that’s the main culprit for these deaths.
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