
Has NASA Found The Missing Beagle on Mars?

On December 19, 2003, a tiny craft was launched from the Mars Express, a craft orbiting Mars. This craft was part of a British-led effort for the European Space Agency's Mars Express mission. On Christmas day, the lander entered the Martian atmosphere traveling more than 20,000 kph, and then it was never heard from again. Now NASA believes they have spotted the craft on the surface more than a decade after going dark.

ADHD Drug May Help You Drop the Fork

New research has discovered that the drug Vyvanse, meant to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) might also be effective in helping treat various binge eating disorders.

Giant Sea Animals Are Not So Giant After All

The oceans largest creatures aren't quite as large as we often image, according to a new study. According to a report published in the journal Peer J, humans are not very good at visualizing the size of creatures like the giant squid or whales, and media reports usually exaggerate their size too. The team of researchers from the U.S. and Canada compared popular reports and scientific reports for 25 different species of marine creatures, including whales, sharks, squids and other giant ocean dwellers, and found that most of the animals were actually smaller than what was reported.

Meteorites and the History of Our Solar System: Not Everything Is As It Seems

Scientists have long believed that meteors were fundamental to the origins of our planets. Meteors contain minuscule spherical grains known as chondrules, and many have believed these chondrules collided with particles of dust and gas coalescing into protoplanets. However, according to a new study published this week in the journal Nature, this hypothesis may not be true.

How Zebras Got Their Stripes & Why Climate Change is Likely to Blame

While they're not alone in the vast wonders of Africa's abundant plains, zebras in particular have posed quite a quandary to scientists in past decades. Their unique striping of black and white have always sparked interest in their study, but the ever failing hypotheses quickly discouraged the discovery of their significance-if any at all. But while many researchers have failed in associating the stripes with social order of a herd or even as camouflaging tactics in the wild, a new study published this month in the journal Royal Society Open Science, researchers have discovered that the stripes are much more like a tan than we think.

Sea Turtles Reveal A Sixth Sense—Finding Their Way Home & Sensing The Seasons

As a migratory species, Leatherback Sea Turtles (Dermochely coriacea) are a rare oddity of nature that spend their lives mostly in travel, between their breeding grounds in open ocean and their tropical places of birth. Travelling back and forth between the tropics and their hunting grounds to the north, the unique species follows the cool waters, as they flow throughout the oceans they inhabit. But that doesn't even begin to unravel their mysterious origins or how they know to traverse the seas.

NASA Rockets Set to Explore the Aurora Borealis

The aurora borealis, better known as the northern lights, is one of nature's most spectacular displays that has captivated the imaginations of people for generations. And with their popular acclaim in mind, NASA plans to explore the aurora borealis in the coming weeks with several unmanned rocket probes in Alaska.

Mars One Headquarters Planned for Seattle

Rocket company SpaceX, under the leadership of Tesla founder Elon Musk, is looking hire up to 1,000 employees for its Seattle-based engineering office whose mission will be to build a commercial satellite business that will eventually pave the way for sending spacecrafts to Mars. And while many are happy about the boost in the local economy, some are left wondering whether a change in careers may bring them closer to a future on Mars?

ISS Alarm: Why Astronauts Had to Evacuate... Twice

Astronauts on the U.S. side of the International Space Station had quite a scare today after an apparent false alarm raised concerns about an ammonia leak on that side of the station; forcing a partial evacuation.

Threatened Thresher Shark Birth Captured on Film

Thresher sharks are among the open ocean's most interesting predators, using their elongated tails to herd and stun schools of fish. And now, for the first time, a mother pelagic thresher shark was caught on camera giving birth off the Philippine coast.

Aspirin May Do More Harm Than Good for People Seeking to Prevent Heart Attacks

How many times have you heard how aspirin is good for people seeking to prevent a heart attack? Today, this has become common knowledge, and aspirin is often taken by people suffering from heart disease that want to try to prevent a heart attack. However, a new study has found that aspirin may not be as good for you as you once thought, and many people that are taking aspirin should not be doing so.
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