
Largest-Ever 3D Map of the Universe: The Complete story of the Expansion of the Universe

Check Out The Largest-Ever 3D Map of Our Universe

Scientists from Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) released a comprehensive analysis of of the largest-ever 3D map of the universe created detailed in 23 papers, and it looks stunning.
Draconid, Orionid Meteor Showers


A long time ago, when people stared in the sky. Sometimes they'd spy bright specs of light. Some thought they were angels or the gods dashing through the sky. In time, early astronomers developed spyglasses and telescopes with improved optics.

First Universe Molecule Spotted In Space

For the first time in a million years, the astronauts spotted what was considered as the first molecule that started the universe. It was a Helium hydride (HeH), a combination of helium and hydrogen atoms. The astronauts were able to locate it at a distance of 3,000 light years away from the Earth.

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