Updates on IOT - The First Quarter of 2022

Updates on IOT - The First Quarter of 2022

The concept of IoT (Internet of Things) has been around for some time now. However, the IoT we know and use today was created somewhere between 2008 and 2009. Ever since then the IoT technology has been evolving.
Digital Transformation –  Innovations for the New Normal

Digital Transformation – Innovations for the New Normal

Digital Transformation is not merely a buzzword. It is an essential strategic imperative for businesses so that they do not follow the trajectory of Polaroid and Kodac, billion-dollar companies one year and disappearing from public consciousness the next.

How to Protect Yourself From Deep Packet Inspection

We live in interesting times. On one side, we have organizations and officials who want to know what other people are talking about. On the other side, there are citizens who want to defend their privacy rights and do not want to share info related to their correspondence and web surfing.

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