Learning Optics: What's the Relation Between Laser, Light, and Lenses?

Learning Optics: What's the Relation Between Laser, Light, and Lenses?

LET’S TALK ABOUT OPTICS Optics is best defined as the science of light, and to best understand what it entails, we will break it down bit by bit in this article. Let’s get to it: Light Light is a form of energy, also known as electromagnetic radiation. This form of radiation is not harmful but has some similarities to other radiations such as radio waves and X-rays. The difference with this radiation is that it is visible. Light travels straight at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. In only eight minutes, light from the sun can reach the earth. That’s a distance of up to 149 million kilometers. Away from the speed, we have stated that light travels in a straight path. That is, unless something gets in its way. You can either block the light to make a shadow, reflect it using a mirror, or bend it using a refractive material. Please note that there are other means to deal with light, such as the use of holographic lenses. Lenses Lenses are essential in bending light. Most devices used in controlling light feature lenses in their makeup or mirrors (which can do pretty much what lenses can do). At the basic level, we have two kinds of lenses. These are convex or positive lenses that focus light and concave or negative lenses which diverge the light. From these, you can create a combination to work with light as you please. An example would be passing light through both concave and convex lens thus diverging and focusing the light at varying points. As we continue, we have simple and complex lenses. The former lens cannot create sharp images and need to be combined to make the complex lenses that have more clarity. Presently, this is possible through computer programs that ease the calculations to get the combo right. With these, it is possible to enhance the workings of optical devices. Take the magnifying glass as an example. It bends light and enables you to see things much bigger than they are through convex lenses. How does this tie back to optics? Let’s use astronomists as an example. In their pursuits, they use telescopes to study objects in the sky, which would not be possible if they had no means to deal with the light rays and focus them where they could generate a picture. Astronomy has come a long way since the making of the first telescope and now features earth satellites fitted with cameras. But there is no denying that the simple discoveries in the past paved the way for what’s available today. Lasers And finally, we get to lasers which are also quite essential in optical systems. The light you see from the sun contains all the colors you see in the rainbow. However, for you to see these distinct colors, you must split the light rays. But with lasers, it is quite different because it is not possible to split this light into other colors. As such, even when you run the light through a prism, it does not change. So, what are lasers used for? They come in handy in focusing light on a spot because they will not spread out much, unlike other light sources. Additionally, they contain so much energy that they are even used in surgery to pierce through the skin with precision. Plus, they also carry information, aid communication in the form of optical fibers, and can make holograms. So, there you have it- the relationship between light, lenses and lasers. For access to high-quality optics and laser electronics, visit, where you will have an array of options coupled with their features.
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