Today there are many options available to help us get the skin and appearance we desire. Natural aging, childbirth, excessive weight loss, and sun exposure (among other things) can all lead to undesirable changes to the face and body. Fortunately, multiple procedures exist to help you achieve your appearance goals.

All cosmetic procedures fall into two distinct categories: invasive procedures and non-invasive procedures. Depending on your unique needs and goals, one may be more appropriate for you than the other. It is also possible to combine invasive with non-invasive techniques to achieve the skin of your dreams. Why are non-invasive surgeries rising in popularity? What makes the combination so effective? Sam Jejurikar M.D. of the Dallas Plastic Institute explains quite simply in this article.

What is the Difference Between Invasive and Non-Invasive Surgery?

An invasive surgical procedure is anything that breaks the skin or requires an incision. If a scar remains from the procedure after you have fully healed, it was an invasive procedure. Common examples of invasive procedures include liposuction and facelift procedures. Although invasive procedures can offer longer-lasting results compared to non-invasive procedures, they also require longer recovery times and anesthesia. Many invasive procedures also have side effects, including temporary swelling, discomfort, and bruising during the healing process.

Non-invasive procedures, on the other hand, are surgical procedures that do not require cutting into your skin. Many non-invasive procedures produce lasting, beautiful results without the downtime and discomfort often associated with recovery from an invasive surgical procedure. Some of our most popular non-invasive procedures include Botox, CoolSculpting, and chemical peels.

Why are Non-Invasive Surgery Procedures rising in Popularity?

Several factors enhance the popularity of non-invasive procedures. Most notable include limited:

●       Little (or no) downtime

●       Minimal bruising

●       No scarring

●       No requirement for general anesthesia

These and many other factors make non-invasive procedures an excellent option for everyone.


Most Popular Non-Invasive Solutions

Natural aging, the onset of menopause, and beautiful life events like simply being a mom can take a toll on our skin, especially as fine lines, wrinkles, and "age spots" begin to appear. Non-invasive procedures performed by Sam Jejurikar can help turn back the clock and reveal healthier, brighter, and younger-looking skin. Some of the most popular procedures include Botox, chemical peels, and CoolSculpting.



Botox injections are the most popular, non-surgical cosmetic treatment available and can be performed by Sam Jejurikar. It is estimated that more than six million people have Botox injections each year.

Botox injections work by affecting how the muscles in the treated area contract. The Botox injections prevent the release of chemicals in the body that control muscle contractions. When Botox is injected, it prevents the contraction of muscle cells. In the case of wrinkles and fine lines,

Botox injections relax the muscles under your skin, again by blocking the nerve responses which tell specific parts of your face to do things. Wrinkles and fine lines are caused by your face making the same expressions over and over. The Botox injections limit your muscle response to specific areas of your face, limiting the ability to make certain facial expressions that generally lead to wrinkles.

Chemical Peels

In 2019, over 800k chemical peel procedures were performed by surgeons. That number is rising. Chemical peels are used on the neck, face, or hands to improve your skin look. A chemical solution is applied to the skin and allowed to sit for several minutes during your treatment. The solution works to exfoliate the old skin, peeling away, leaving behind a smoother, younger-looking layer. Chemical peels come in varying strengths and, depending on the solution, use different types of acids.


CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that helps to remove extra fat cells from beneath the skin and can be performed by Sam Jejurikar M.D. During CoolSculpting, a roll of fat is placed between two panels that cool the fat to a freezing temperature.

A 2009 study found that this process reduced the size of the treated fat layer by as much as 25%. The fat cells that die from the freezing process are excreted from the body through the liver within several weeks of the treatment. CoolSculpting can treat similar parts of the body to liposuction.

This would include:

●       thighs

●       lower back

●       belly

●       sides (or love handles)

Unlike liposuction, it can also reduce the appearance of cellulite on the arms, thighs, buttocks, and underneath the skin. 

The Benefits of Combining Non-Invasive and Traditional Cosmetic Procedures

Every patient who comes to EpiCentre Skin Care and Laser Center in Dallas, TX is different.  Dr. Jejurikar will work with you to design a customized treatment plan that reflects your unique differences. In some cases, this may mean you could benefit most from combining traditional cosmetic procedures such as liposuction or a facelift with non-invasive procedures to produce the maximum outcome in minimal visits.

Combining procedures helps maximize results, reduce the risks associated with multiple procedures, lower costs, and improve recovery times. For example, one might choose to combine a facelift with Botox injections. A facelift is meant to rejuvenate the face helping to reduce the signs of aging such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and the hollow appearance that comes from reduced volume under the skin. Although there are several very successful facelift procedures, a facelift on its own is not always enough to achieve your desired results. In these cases, including Botox injections may help enhance the results of your surgery without increasing recovery time.

Another highly beneficial pairing is liposuction and Coolsculpting. If you struggle to shake stubborn fat pockets in various areas of your body, pairing liposuction with a non-invasive procedure like CoolSculpting can help you get rid of excess skin and fat under the skin while contouring and shaping problem areas of the body.

Post-Surgery: What Can be Done to Maintain Youthful Appearance

After a procedure with Dr. Sam Jejurikar, you will likely feel like a youthful and vibrant version of yourself. However, following a few crucial tips for keeping your skincare procedures in "like new" condition is essential to maintain lasting results.

First, don't forget the sunscreen. If you put in the time and money to have a skin rejuvenating procedure on your neck or face, it is vital to care for your skin. One of the biggest culprits for skin aging is sun exposure. Consistently protecting your skin with products containing at least SPF 50 and wearing a hat while in the sun can help prolong your results.

It is also essential to take care of your skin. After your procedure, talk to Sam Jejurikar and the EpiCentre Skin Care and Laser Center team in Dallas about their recommendations for proper skin care techniques to help maintain the results achieved through your skincare procedures.

It is also important to maintain a schedule for follow-up non-invasive treatments. While most invasive surgical procedures are permanent (with some exceptions), the results of most non-invasive procedures will begin to fade after a time. For instance, even after a facelift, specific facial movements are unavoidable. We continue to squint, smile, and move the muscles on the forehead, eyes, and eyebrows. All of these everyday, repetitive movements can eventually lead to wrinkles. While a Botox treatment at the time of your facial will help further to reduce the signs of fine lines and wrinkles, the effects of Botox are not forever.

Even with the best surgical procedure available, ongoing maintenance is often necessary to stay on top of your desired results. In Dallas, Sam Jejurikar and EpiCentre Skin Care and Laser Center provide a wide range of non-invasive skin care procedures to help you keep your skin looking beautiful, youthful, and vibrant for years to come.

Sam Jejurikar and the Dallas Plastic Surgeon Institute

Dr. Sam Jejurikar is a member of the renowned Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute in Dallas, Texas, focusing on cosmetic surgery of the face, eyes, nose, body, and breast.

Sam Jejurikar is a skilled, compassionate plastic surgeon who uses his considerable expertise to help his patients achieve their beauty and skincare goals. As part of EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, a luxury med spa in the Dallas, Texas area, Sam Jejurikar and his team of highly experienced surgeons are here to provide you with state-of-the-art skincare solutions to help you achieve the skin of your dreams.

Sam Jejurikar Podcast

To learn more about Sam Jejurikar, his background, and how he and his team of plastic surgeons can help you address skincare concerns, check out his Apple podcast. Contact our team today to schedule a free consultation if you would like to learn more about the various non-invasive or invasive surgical procedures offered at EpiCentre Skin Care and Laser Center in Dallas.