
Are E-Cigarettes Better for You Than Cigarettes?

Since their release, the popularity of e-cigarettes has exploded as many smokers turn to the devices to help them kick their smoking habit. However, many expertes believe that the e-cigarette doesn't help them kick the habit and only worsens their dependence on the drug while at the same time causing young people to become addicted to nicotine as well as they experiment with these new, interesting devices.

Health Experts Defend E-Cigarettes Amidst Concerns

Health experts at an Abu Dhabi anti-tobacco conference defended e-cigarettes, in spite of the increasing concerns that the devices are not safe and could lure adolescents into nicotine addiction.

Clearing Up the Smoke—Editorial On E-Cigarettes Study & Public Opinion

In a recent article published by our writers entitled “Just a Bunch of Hot Air? The Truth About Vaping” our journalist investigated new research published by the New England Journal of Medicine regarding e-cigarettes and health implications associated with vaping. Readers have said that the article propagated fear tactics to decidedly speak against vaping, and with so many questions having recently arisen in response to the article, the editorial staff has decided that it is best to clear up the subject here.

Just A Bunch Of Hot Air? The Truth About Vaping

Vaping has become an incredibly marketable practice in recent years, promising smokers a "healthy" alternative to tobacco cigarettes. But are these manufactures just blowing hot air?

Tips to Kick Your Smoking Habit in 2015

With the new year smokers everywhere are deciding to put down the cigarettes for good. The American Lung Association has some tips to help smokers put tobacco down for good.

E-cigarettes Lure the Young Into Tobacco Smoking: Study

With the publicity that e-cigarettes are the safer alternative for the more health hazardous tobacco products, more people resort to e-cigarettes (also referred to as e-cigs) and the younger generation have been drawn to the "cooler and hipper" e-cigarettes with their attractive packaging and fruity taste. However, a recent study found that e-cigarette smoking increased the likelihood among youngsters to smoke the nicotine-rich cigarette.
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