
NASA May Have Just Accidentally Discovered Faster than Light Travel

Long home to science fiction, traveling faster than the speed of light is quite commonplace as heroes and villains alike zip around their galaxy in an effort to engage each other. It has become so popular, in fact, that you would be hard pressed to find anyone on Earth that didn't know about the concept. Now it seems that scientists could have accidentally brought the notion of faster than light travel out of the realm of science fiction and into real science.

The Light Theory—How Researchers Are Proving Einstein Right With a Snapshot

As one of these few disciplines, quantum physics falls into a realm of science where well-documented and highly regarded theories take precedence. But explaining these theories requires a deep understanding of the underlying science, and devising lab experiments to illustrate them is a near impossible feat. One research team of American and Swiss physicists with the EPFL Labs in Switzerland, however, are doing just that. And equipped with some wire, a laser and quick-capturing electron microscope they’re proving what Einstein theorized was true — light can act as a particle and a wave.

CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Adds Two New Subatomic Particles to the List

There’s an art in the science of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. It’s not simply a method for smashing atoms together, but rather it’s a uniquely painstaking process that can reveal some of the smallest hidden secrets our world has to offer. And while the particles that CERN researchers are studying may be smaller than the smallest atom, by bringing to light quantifiably distinct particles only often thought of in physical theory courses, the discovery of every new particle is a large step forward for the advancements of mankind’s science.

Could A Techni-Particle Save Us from the Universe’s Undoing?

In the preface to a new book entitled “Starmus”, published last month, Cambridge cosmologist Stephen Hawking said that if indeed the particle is the Higgs Boson, then CERN’s discovery could lead to the demise of the universe if its contents were to become unstable. But a new research analysis published this month in the journal Physical Review D, says that Hawking and the rest of the universe may need not fear, because the particle may in fact not be what it appears.

Could Large Hadron Collider Discovery Be Something Else? Researchers Look to Techni-Higgs Particles

The Higgs Boson particle has been at the center of theoretical physics debates for quite some time now, and while the elusive particle is conjectured to be at the center of every atom, giving them their mass, researchers have been hard-pressed to prove its existence. Last year, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) revealed that an anomaly discovered in the Large Hadron Collider when atoms were compounded together may have in fact been the Higgs Boson, however, new research says that they may have been mistaken. And the particle CERN found may very well be something entirely different.

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