Underwater UFO Seen on Video Critical to National Security and Scientifically Valid To Study, Former Naval Officer Argues
(Photo : Wikimedia Commons/ US Navy)

For many years, there have been many reports of unidentified flying objects (UFO) sightings which involve claims of close encounters or abductions. Pilots and military officials have been bewildered by these reports, and lawmakers have been vocal about the urgency to identify the mysterious objects.

Authorities prompt national security concerns regarding the implications of strange objects flying through or near U.S. airspace. However, a former naval officer argues that they should worry about unidentified submerged objects.

Underwater UFO

On July 15, 2019, a video was taken by the USS Omaha off the coast of San Diego showing an object flying around the ship before disappearing into the water. It was leaked to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and verified by the Pentagon as a legit example of Naval-recorded "unidentified anomalous phenomena " (UAP) in 2021.

The video raises more questions than it answers. It shows a dark spherical object flying over the ocean at night, as seen through an infrared camera. The sphere appears to rush across the ocean before stopping and slowly going down the water.

According to Corbell, the footage was recorded during an extended period during which members of the Navy saw several UAPs. An intelligence briefing reveals that at least 14 solid objects measuring 6.56 feet (2 meters) wide moved at speeds between 46 and 158 miles per hour (74 to 254 kilometers per hour).

READ ALSO: UAP Mystery Continues: Outgoing Pentagon UFO Director Says Sightings Could Be Aliens, Foreign Powers

Scientific and Security Threats

Retired Rear Admiral and oceanographer Tim Gallaudet sounds the alarm on UFOs, which can disappear into the water without splashing or leaving any wreckage behind. He argues that these "unidentified submerged objects" (USOs) are an urgent national security concern with world-changing scientific ramifications.

Gallaudet considers it scientifically valid to study these phenomena. This object and others like it may be simply advanced aircraft operated by the Chinese military or another hostile foreign government. However, Gallaudet believes that the technology is too advanced to be human. Credible observers, pilots, and calibrated military instruments have recorded objects that cross the air-sea interface and accelerate at rates not possible for anything made by humans.

Authorities do not rule out the possibility that some other country has ships that seemingly defy the laws of physics and are much more advanced than anything they have seen. However, while these objects remain primarily unstudied, they can be classified as UAPs.

Gallaudet believes that the strange craft should be treated as a threat. He further argues that the capabilities of the recorded object jeopardize U.S. maritime security, which is already weakened by the country's less knowledge about the global ocean. In a March 2024 report, he wrote that unidentified objects with unexplainable characteristics enter the U.S. water space, yet the Department of Defense does not raise a giant red flag. According to Gallaudet, this is a sign that the government is not sharing everything it knows about all-domain anomalous phenomena.

Generally, UFOs get the most attention from conspiracy theorists, academia, and the government. Gallaudet and others consider USOs equally threatening as their flying counterparts, if not more so.

RELATED ARTICLE: UFO vs. UAP: What Are the Similarities and Differences?

Check out more news and information on UAP in Science Times.