Apple Airpods has a record-breaking positive feedback of 98 percent from a recent survey. The research firm conducting the survey is known as Creative Strategies. The survey showing results that respondents scores are satisfied to very satisfied categories is an indication of a global product for consumers.

Experian is the partner of Creative Strategies in this poll project for Apple. The project conducted 942 subjects for their feedbacks regarding the Apple Airpods responding at 82% very satisfied and 16% responded at the satisfied level. In average, the survey scored 98% which is the highest survey by Creative Strategies of an Apple product.

Other Apple products that underwent survey are the 2007 iPhone that garnered a 92 percent satisfaction rating. Then there was the survey of iPad in 2010 that achieved also a 92 percentile satisfaction rating feedback. The feedback before the Apple Airpods was an Apple smartwatch in 2015. This feedback of satisfaction rating hit the mark of 97 percent.

The Apple survey graphs did not show any dissatisfied feedback. A few respondents somehow gave dissatisfied marks. Most customers awarded the Apple Airpods generously on the very satisfied mark, reports Apple Insider.

This wireless earphones survey asked users if they would intend to recommend the Apple Airpod to friends and people they know. This part of questioning is known as the Net promoter score (NPS). A scale of scoring is from 0 to 10 and 0 being the least of the scoring range and 10 is the highest recommendatory rate. Airpods got a colorful NPS rate of 75 compared to the iPhone which is 72. Authorities rate NPS scoring of 50 as excellent while NPS scores above 70 as world class products, reports MacRumors.

Customers that were asked of how they describe Apple Airpods would answer with words like fit, magic, good sound, battery life, love, sound quality, and convenient. They would say benefits like the ease of having a wireless earphone and pairing process is a convenience.

The cost of the Apple Airpod is $159. Booking for one will state that the order will not arrive in 6 days while pick up in stores will be on June 20.