A small trial was proven successful utilizing Google calendar application in smartphones as a way to maintain the prospective memory of a patient with mild Alzheimer's disease. Prospective memory is the ability of a person to remember in accomplishing things in the future.

According to Science Daily, the small trial concerns the case of a retired teacher. The patient experiences memory difficulties 12 months before the study was conducted. She reported having troubles in remembering names, groceries to buy as well as forgetting medical appointments and taking medications.

The signs and symptoms experienced by the patient conclude that she struggles with prospective memory. In order to ease her struggle, psychologist Mohamad El Haj has suggested Google calendar. The proposal uses time-management and scheduling calendar application developed by Google.

The patient responded in the recommendation as she is already comfortable in using her smartphone installed with Google calendar application. The patient also revealed that she prefers the application as it offers more practical assistance compared to a paper calendar.

However, since this particular case is just a small trial, the results cannot totally reflect the general response of Alzheimer's patients. The current study requires larger research and trial either to confirm or refute the current results. The researchers recommend a further study on the long-term benefits of Google calendar installed in smartphones.

National Institute on Aging revealed that today, almost 5.1 million Americans may have Alzheimer's disease. As the world's population increases, the number of people affected by the disease also increases. Thus, urgent interventions to prevent, delay, and treat the degenerative disorder is urgently needed.

Dr. El Haj and his colleagues have revealed several improvements with the retired teache in using smartphone installed with Google calendar application. This improvement consists of several prospective omissions in the patient's memory. The omission includes; forgetting her weekly medical appointment, bridge game in community club and weekly mass.

The researchers hope that smartphone and Google calendar application will pave a way in further technological advancement that could help patients with Alzheimer's disease. The exploration of potential smartphone applications aiding memory could be a great help, El Haj added.