It is difficult, but no more an impossible task to remember a dream. Yes, a recent research explores an area in the brain that can prove this fact.

According to NPR, most people experience nearly five dreams every night, but can't remember them. Interestingly, a new research discovers a specific pattern or way of the brain activity to solve this complex equation. The researchers possibly for the first time develops the most acceptable answer in this regard.

Francesca Siclari, a popular researcher opines that a specific region in the back of the brain remains active when a person experiences a dream. Siclari is a researcher at the Center for Research and Investigation in Sleep at the Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland. A specific pattern of the brain activity in the said back region can identify the content of the dream.

The key fact of the research study is available in the Nature Neuroscience. Siclari and the research team discovers that a person can have a dream during the time of rapid eye movement or REM and non-REM sleep. The team monitored 32 people when they were asleep. The researchers followed the electrical activity that took place in the brain of these participants.

The participants were frequently awakened to provide reports about their dreaming. This initiative helped the participants to discover the content of the dream. Some were dreaming about bicycle and some were smelling perfume.

Once the participants reported about their dreams, then the researchers applied the high-density electroencephalography to understand the pattern of the brain activity. This technique connected the dreaming with an increase in the high-frequency activity and the reduction of the low-frequency activity. All the activities occurred to the back side of the brain.

This research discovered the specific area of the brain that responded to particular stimuli. Activity in this said the specific area of the brain finally helped to identify the main fact of a particular dream. Like, If a person is dreaming a face, then an activity will certainly occur in an area of the brain that can identify the face. In a word, activity in a certain area of the brain finally helps to recognize the dream.

Francesca Siclari unveils the close correspondence between the two brain areas. A close relation always exists between the active area at the time of dreaming and the area that are active when a person remains awake. Now a dream is no more an elusive idea, but an important part of the discussion. No doubt this new discovery was a great breakthrough in the arena of medical science.