There is something big happening on the Arctic river. Latest news is saying that ice deposits on the said site are quickly evaporating that could bring drastic change to Earth's environment. Is the terrifying effects of climate change has come to Earth so soon?

Climate change has been the most important issue that the Earth is facing nowadays. Often refer as global warming, it already affected the weather condition of our planet experiencing extreme heat in one area while severe thunderstorm or snow storm are happening in other areas. Now, its effect is also visible in ice deposits that appear to be quickly evaporating on the arctic river.

Based on studies, natural causes of climate change points to the intense solar output of the Sun to Earth and the changes in volcanic activity while the greenhouse gas emission just like the burning of fossil fuels is the human activity that adds up to make it worst. And now, experts are so concerned the alarming effects of it might happen so soon.

According to Phys.Org, thick ice deposits on the Arctic river are melting a month earlier than it usually did 15 years ago as per recent studies of scientists. It means that the ice deposits in the area are rapidly disappearing and climate change is a big factor that causing it. Though there no actual data available as of this time, experts are basing their findings on the certain periods from past and now.

Some time ago, river icings commonly melt out around mid-July on normal condition. However, new studies revealed that ice deposits in the U.S. and Canadian Arctic river are disappearing 26 days earlier in the year 2015 than they used to in the year 2000. With that, scientists are not focused on river icings only as they are right now also studying glaciers and sea ice on the area.

On a separate report by The Guardian, aside from ice deposits on the Arctic river, sea ice on the area are also melting down quickly. The ice is dwindling little by little the past few years and it already damaging the lives of people and wildlife living in the Arctic area.

In the 2015 Paris agreement, 200 countries have agreed to fight climate change and set their goal to limit the rise in average world temperature to below 2 degree Celsius. But, scientists believed that is not enough to stop the ill effect of climate change and projected that arctic sea ice could disappear in summer this century.