The Arctic and Antarctic play the role of an air conditioner for the Earth system. They reflect a lot of solar energy so they stay colder than the otherwise they would and they are more sensitive to climate change.

Based on last day report of CNN that there is currently less sea ice surrounding the Antarctic continent than at any point since reliable records began in 1979.Mark Serreze the director of National Snow and Ice Date Center also said the there are some really crazy things going on and it looks like we hit a new record in the low satellite era.

According to research scientist Walt Meier, he says the current low record and sea ice is too soon to call it a very credible evidence for Global Warming. Meier points out that Antarctic sea ice is extremely variable and he believes that it is the changes in winds in particular that are the main driver behind the recent collapse in sea ice cover in Antarctica.

If we look at simply the magnitudes of the changes we are seeing in the winter time the ice of Arctic is decreasing about twice as fast as increasing the ice of Antarctic. It is important to look at the ration between the Arctic and Antarctic.

Warmer ocean temperature could play the vital role in the lessening of ice and scientists have been warning about for few years. This temperature is resulting from both natural variability and man-made climate change and this will lead to a decrease the sea ice in Antarctica.

Athena Dinar, communications manager for the British Antarctic Survey shared information that the low levels of sea ice have been reached due to the near total loss of sea ice in the Ross Sea and the Amundsen Sea, which occurred in January.

Though 2017 has already seen sea ice reach the lowest extent on record, we likely have not yet hit the bottom. The ice continues to decrease this week also and sea ice in the Antarctic does not normally reach its minimum extent until later in February.