Dr. Dominik Lewandowski

Biomedical Scientist Dominik Lewandowski Is Revolutionizing The Treatment Of Retina Disorders

Similarly, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is one of the most common causes of inherited blindness. These diseases have a detrimental impact on the quality of life of the people who suffer from them. Still, there's a new treatment approach for the first time in years thanks to Dr. Dominik Lewandowski, a biomedical scientist from the University of California, Irvine.
silver fork and bread knife

Keto For Weight Loss: Why The Ketogenic Diet Is Not For Everyone

The ketogenic diet was first used to treat epilepsy in 1921. This allowed it to enjoy a place in the medical world as a therapeutic diet for the next decades. It was only in recent years that keto reemerged as a formula for weight loss, which has been shown to be effective - but not in all cases.

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