
Next Generation 3D-Printed Optical-Electronic Integration

FsLDW allows the fabrication of higher-level microstructures to manipulate light signals, including the waveguide coupled microdisks for light remote control and the coupled double-microdisk resonators for laser mode selection

New Way To Track Hidden Objects Using Optical Noise Technique

If an object is enclosed in a box with a light scatter or deflect characteristics which will impede direct imaging. This is because the light will deflect by that material which obscures the target. However, the new detection technique will overcome those technical snags.

ESA Rosetta Spacecraft Is Showing Off Its ‘Cheops’

While Rosetta mission team members are preparing to touch down on the surface for a more up-close view of the comet, Rosetta’s Optical, Spectroscopic and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) is taking a look at the surface from afar. And in the newest batch of images sent back Monday morning, researchers have revealed a large pyramid-shaped boulder standing 82-feet-tall near the intended landing site for Rosetta’s Philae rover.

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