
Tombs Filled with Mummies Discovered in Peru

Scientists have discovered tombs filled with up to 40 mummies, each around a 1,200 year old ceremonial site in Peru's Cotahuasi Valley. Thus far, archaeologists have excavated seven tombs containing at least 171 mummies in an area now called Tenahaha.

Climate Change Degrading Ancient Mummies

About 7 thousands years ago and predating the Egyptians by several thousands of years lived a tribe of people off the coast of Chile and southern Peru lived a tribe of people known today as "the Chinchorro". Like the ancient Egyptians, the Chinchorro used to mummify its dead, creating the oldest known mummies on Earth. But today, these mummies are now threatened by climate change.

Plans from Peru—United Nations 196 Delegates Propose a Policy to Combat Climate Change

To say that 2014 was a year for change would be quite an understatement, but when it comes to climate change this year has perhaps been the most dynamic. From the UN Summit in New York held earlier this summer, to the nomination of a new Messenger of Peace (actor Leonardo DiCaprio), members of the United Nations (UN) have sought out an effective way to best approach the changing climate looming over future forecasts. This past Saturday, Dec. 13, these discussions came to a climax as negotiators from the world’s 196 countries who have been staying in Lima, Peru for the past two weeks haggled over the final elements to be implemented in a draft of a climate change deal that will potentially, for the first time in history, commit all nations in the world to limit emissions greatly impacting global warming.

How Small Farmers May Make a Mark on the Climate Issues Facing Earth

As a small farm owner, many may feel that their impact as an individual dwarfs in comparison to corporate America, where large conglomerates rule. But in the view of nature, all individuals are equal when it comes to changing the face of our Earth, and small farmers are finding that together their unified voices and actions may help create a better climate for tomorrow.

Sky-High Dig Reveals Ancient Paleoindian Workshop Site in Andes

In a sky-high archaeological dig, based near the peaks of the Peruvian Andes mountains, an international team of researchers unearthed the oldest-known evidence of human settlement high above sea level. In fact, the rock shelters and tool fragments found, date back roughly 12,000 years and lie 14,700 feet above coastal sea level at the base of the mountain range.
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