
What is Skin Fasting?

What is Skin Fasting?

Medicine & Technology A nearly decade-old theory about skincare is becoming one of the latest trends in 2020. A mini twin experiment reveals how a 'skin fast' can potentially be effective. What is skin fasting, anyway?

A Mother's Battle Against Her Agonizing Eczema

36-year-old Anita Wong opened up about stopping using steroid eczema medications after it left her with permanent damage to the eyes. Years later, her skin is back to normal.

Pinning Vitamin A against Skin Cancer

It has always been general knowledge that vitamin A plays an important role in the healthy growth and maturation of skin cells. A new study claims that higher vitamin A intake could lower the risk of skin cancer.

Here's A Skin Cream Made From A Person’s Own Microbes

Studies show that the body is composed of several microorganisms which are actually more numerous than the human's cells. Lately, scientists were curious on how can these microbes affect humans. With a recent finding, it was found out that a person's microbes can actually be utilized for skin care.

Essential Foods That Help Fight Against Wrinkles

Skin aging may be a natural process but there are ways people can fight against it. Here are some foods that can help prevent wrinkles from appearing and keeping one's skin healthy and youthful looking.

Study Finds Many Sunscreen Products Not Doing Their Job

The summer vacation season is finally here and many schools are now out for the season or about to get out. Pools are opening and beaches are gearing up for a season of sun bathers, kids and adults that are looking to enjoy a cool dip in the pool or a just a little time in the sun. However, in a new report by the Environmental Working Group, researchers have found that as much as 80 percent of sunscreen products don't work to the level they claim, and some could even be dangerous.
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