Cutting off things that you know are bad for you can be difficult, especially if you are doing it for years. This is why Amazon is selling a bracelet that can help you discipline yourself and help you "snap out of it" when you are about to do something that is not healthy.

The bracelet is called Pavlok; it is a device that you can buy on Amazon, and it is labeled as a "behavior training device." According to the creator of the product, they took their inspiration from aversive conditioning, and they use negative stimuli, or in their case, a small electric shock that can help reaffirm an action as unnecessary or undesirable. 

They said that the reason why people continue to do things that are not healthy for them, like smoking and eating unhealthy foods, is because it is pleasurable, not because they do not know it is bad for them. You basically need a little nudge to make you think twice before you light up a stick or eat a burger. 

The bracelet does not only work for smokers or those who overeat, it can also be used by those who spend so much time online and those who have bad habits like nail-biting and sleeping in. Customers who have bought the bracelet said that it is effective, especially if you have a problem waking up in the morning. 

Pavlok is worn around your wrist, and by pushing the button on your wristband or by using the remote control on the smartphone application, a small electric zap will be sent. Some habits will require you to press the button manually, but some habits can be set on the application so it can do it automatically, like waking up on time or minimizing your time online. 

The bracelet is composed of the wristband and the module. The wristband is made from sleek silicone; it is durable and lightweight, plus you can choose from the different colors that they have available. The module of the bracelet fits inside the wristband, and it holds the battery, bluetooth, and electronic components. 

The battery has 150 plus tiny jolts, and it recharges through a micro USB while the bluetooth chip connects the bracelet to your phone, and it is low energy. The application has a 5-day audio habit change course, and there are specific bad habits that you can choose from.

You can also use the remote control inside the app so you can control your bracelet from your phone and so that you can set an automated shock option.