You're reading this because you're probably tired of seeing those stretch marks on your body. Yes, we've all heard the "woman who's earned her stripes" adage, but let's face it: you don't like 'em. We're tired of stretch marks too, so we're going to share with you three great ways to get rid of them.

But first, what causes stretch marks?

Those white streaks are actually scars that form in the middle layer of the skin. They're commonly found on several parts of the body, like the butt, thighs, breasts, and abs area, although they can form on other parts of the body too.

Stretch marks can be caused by several reasons like changes in your weight, pregnancy or even just puberty! They all have a common factor: extreme skin stretching. If it goes through large amounts of stretching in a short amount of time, the skin suffers tears which then become stretch marks.

Let's get it out of the way: it's absolutely NORMAL to have stretch marks. 

But it's also perfectly normal to feel a bit insecure about them. We feel the same way, too, sometimes. 

How do I make stretch marks go away?

While there isn't any surefire way to completely remove stretch marks yet, the good news is that they eventually fade as your body naturally heals them over time. The bad news is that on their own stretch marks don't fade away enough to be invisible.

There are, however, a few ways to help speed up the process and make those stretch marks much less noticeable.

1. Exfoliation

This method removes dry layers of skin cells, allowing newer tissues to take its place, rejuvenating skin and helping speed up the healing of stretch marks. Various home remedies can be found online, so try experimenting and see which one works best for you. This may take a lot more time than the other two methods, but with the right exfoliating method and a little patience, you'll see much less of those pesky stretch marks.

2. Microneedling

Microneedling goes straight to the dermis where the scar tissues of stretch marks are. By using several needles to prick deep enough into the skin's dermis, this method can trigger collagen production to make your skin more elastic and help heal stretch marks.

We highly recommend that you schedule an appointment with a professional dermatologist to ensure minimal pain and effective performance. For the best results, at least three sessions would be needed, although this may vary.

Each session would cost between $100-$500, depending on the area of application, so expect to spend between $300-$1500 for the initial treatment alone. You'll also need several maintenance sessions to keep your skin in that condition over the long term.

3. Silicone scar gel

Our preferred method, silicone scar gel works because it hydrates the skin effectively to smoothen, soften, and flatten stretch marks, normalizing them over time. Application is simple: rub a small amount on the stretch marks and leave it to dry.

Our personal favorite is Aroamas Scar Gel. Especially if you have sensitive skin, its natural and gentle feel goes a long way to help you feel comfortable. Since it's practically invisible and odorless after drying, you'll likely forget it's even there. 

Aroamas Scar Gel is available here on Amazon for just a little over $30, which lasts for around 2-4 months per tube.

There you have them: three great and easy ways to get rid of even the most stubborn stretch marks. Try out any of these methods, and you'll be able to wear that knee-length dress or that sleeveless top worry-free real soon!