(Photo : eddierockerz.files.wordpress.com)
Will these dystopian technologies change the world starting 2020, and are we prepared for it. Living in the future will be different, there is no other place to go to.

Is everyone ready for what is to come in 2020? Just like films with cyberpunk themes, which are dark and grim. Will this be our collective futures, as we live in the future? Will, there be an antagonistic relation with dystopian technologies or will it be a trojan horse or worse a Pandora's box.

Everyone is now looking at the precipice as 2020 reaches us, and what changes will follow. Cynics only see the dark side, but optimists will believe in the shiny new future they will bring to all. Unfortunately, most are aware of the potential changes that everybody will be subject to. Like an awful slave master, technology will be a double-edged sword that will not have any allegiance.

All people are living on the edge and technology is rapidly rearing its dystopian head, menacingly at everyone. Here is a preview of the future of everyone, the wide reach of technology has only just begun.

a. Crime will virtual and ransomware will be the most effective tool for crimes.

It seems are technology evolves, so would criminals and cyberspace is already being attacked by these outlaws. The evolution of crime will move to the Internet, where intelligence and tech rules. Compared to physical crimes, these cybercriminals will do more damage than ever before. Using digital and AI tools makes It easier to heist, and ransomware will be the worst invention that puts millions at their mercy.

b. The keys to DNA are almost accessible and scientists play god.

The Genome Project is just the start, as human DNA is mapped and looked over by scientists. This will be next battlegrounds as parties will fight to keep DNA untouched, while the other side is open to messing what makes us human. Of, course treating diseases, also defeating death is important but most would call DNA a no-touch zone. Scientists will play god as DNA editing, and other means alter who we are.

 c. Spread of deepfakes and manipulated information.

Information is power, and this year the influence of deepfakes and manipulated information will weaponize information. Already this is seen as fake news in social media and attacking political opponents indirectly. It might soon be the tools of dictators, and outlaw leaders to fool nations.

d. Opinion manipulating AI will threaten democratic processes.

Social platforms like FB are powerful vehicles to express an opinion and reach many people than at any time in history. The power to craft and manipulate others is worth more than all the weapons in the world. With social platforms that give and spread information is the stuff of dreams for those who want to rule the world.

e. AI machines will be more intelligent in time.

The rise of quantum computing and supercomputers is not fiction, and they are coming soon. As tech companies create smart chips that can run more operations than a human brain. If we are ready or not it will come, think of terminator in a mobile gadget, that would be scary would it not be?

No future is set, and not all technologies are dystopian, but one thing remains for sure: everyone will be running the knife's edge by 2020. Change is sure for everyone, but it should be managed or we will cut ourselves with the edge of technology.

Related Article: These are the 5 most dystopian technologies of 2020 and beyond