Endometriosis is known as a painful disorder in which the tissue that usually lines the inside of your uterus grows outside your uterus. Endometriosis involves your Fallopian tubes, the ovaries and the tissues that are lining your pelvis. It rarely happens that the endometrial tissue may spread beyond your pelvic organs. 

With endometriosis, the endometrial tissue would break down, thicken and bleed with every menstrual cycle. But since the tissue has no way to exit your body, it becomes trapped. When endometriosis involves the ovaries, cysts called endometriomas may develop. The surrounding tissue in your ovaries may become irritated, and they may eventually develop scar tissues and adhesions. Adhesions are abnormal bands of fibrous tissue that can cause the organs and the pelvic tissues to stick together. 

Endometriosis can cause pain, especially during your menstrual period. Fertility problems may also develop. Good thing there are effective treatments available. 

What causes endometriosis?

There is still no known cause of endometriosis. There is one theory that suggests that the endometrial tissue is placed in unusual locations because of the retrograde flow of menstrual tissues through the Fallopian tubes into the abdominal and pelvic cavities. The cause of this retrograde menstruation is not understood. However, retrograde menstruation is not the only cause of this painful disorder, as a lot of women who have retrograde menstruation do not have the condition. 

Another possibility of endometriosis is that areas lining the pelvic organs have primitive cells that can form into other forms of tissue, like endometrium. 


The main symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain, usually linked with menstrual periods. Even though many experiences cramping during their menstrual cycle, those with endometriosis usually describe menstrual pain that is far worse than usual. The pain may also increase over time. 

Common signs and symptoms of endometriosis include:

  • Painful periods or dysmenorrhea. Cramping and pelvic pain may begin before and it may extend several days into a menstrual period. You may also have abdominal pain and lower back pain. 
  • Feeling pain during intercourse. It is a common sign of endometriosis if you feel pain during or after sex. You may also feel pain with urination or bowel movements. You are most likely to experience these symptoms while you are on your period. 
  • Excessive bleeding. You may experience heavy menstrual periods occasionally or you may bleed between periods. 
  • Infertility is also a sign of this disorder, endometriosis is first diagnosed in those who are seeking treatment for infertility. 
  • The other signs and symptoms include diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, constipation, nausea, especially during menstrual periods. The severity of your pain is not necessarily a reliable indicator of the extent of the condition. You could be diagnosed with mild endometriosis with severe pain, or you could have advance endometriosis with no pain or you may experience a bit of pain. 
  • Endometriosis is usually mistaken for other conditions that can cause pelvic pain like PID or pelvic inflammatory disease or ovarian cysts. It may be mistaken for IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, a condition that causes constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping. IBS can accompany endometriosis, and this can complicate the diagnosis. 

When to see a doctor

If you have the signs and symptoms of endometriosis, it is best to see your doctor immediately. Endometriosis can be a difficult condition to manage. An early diagnosis, an understanding of your diagnosis and a multidisciplinary medical team may result in better management of your disorder.  

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