Scientists are studying a new quantum substance for the last thirty years and no answer yet. It is an insulator and conductor at the same time, which is perplexing, to say the least. More is needed to be examined but more questions than answers are making it confusing.

As more discoveries are made by scientists in their research into the quantum field of studies, they get deeper into unexplored territory. The newest addition to their head-scratching discoveries is a recently discovered quantum substance. The discovery, made possible by using powerful computer tools that investigated properties of a copper-based mysterious new quantum substance, that it is turning out to be a new kind of superconductor. Hence, seen as another baby step to achieve quantum computing. There is a lot about it, and it perplexes scientists who are looking into its true nature.

The material has these characteristics that are rather unusual, but that is what makes it special. The discovery of new materials has always been the foundation of new technology. From transistors, silicon wafers, and micro-sized computer chips that needed a material that can handle conducting pulses of energy. Here are the highlights of the new copper-based quantum substance that will improve aspects of ordinary computing to the quantum kind.

A. Identity crisis, insulator or conductor?

 Quantum matter like it is gifted with the ability to superconduct electrons than other known substances. Depending on the configuration of the atoms, which influences the nature of conductivity that needs more analysis. Testing the limits of the superconductivity will determine better use of the said exotic material.  Confirming the dual nature of "cuprates" as an insulator and conductor will impact the technological applications for it.

 B. Cuprates as a superconductor for quantum computing

 Transforming cuprates into a superconductive arrangement will make the movement of electrons hyper-fast, and tweaking the formation is not hard to do. First discovered in 1986, with Nobel Prize that had implications for scientists later.

C. Exotic and strange electron configuration
For thirty years this quantum substance has eluded researchers digging into exotic electron configuration of the material. No answers yet, why cuprates are so superconductive despite its dual nature needs clarity. Arun Basil and Robert Markiewicz both physics majors are just several of many scientists examining how copper-oxides shifts from insulation to superconducting.

 D. Super cold conditions and others
Theoretical physicists are challenged to solve the riddle of these substances, and everything about them too. One important factor to consider is that materials superconductor work at very low temperatures, like Uranus which is beyond freezing. How it actually works will be the breakthrough to get the ball rolling for manufacture and later use.

E. 26 times the super-conductivity of this exotic substance
Call it the Jekyll and Hyde, but it does shift from a whopping 26-electron structure, whose shifts are more confusing. From phases one to twenty-six that cycles as electrons pass through it. This is only one of many or few quantum substances that exhibit such tendencies, though more might be found.

F. The pseudo-phase gap in cuprates
It gets more confusing when a "pseudogap stage", where the electrons shift as an insulator then conductor to let electrons pass through it. This very odd and materials that have dual states are oddities in the quantum world. Finding out the secret will be the break for scientists studying it.

Related Article: Superconductor or Not? Exploring the Identity Crisis of This Weird Quantum Material