Diabetes is a disease caused by the malfunction of the body failing to produce insulin, a hormone that regulates the flow of glucose in cells. As a result, blood sugar levels rise at abnormal rates, causing hyperglycemia.

People can develop either type 1 diabetes, where the body does not produce insulin or type 2 diabetes, where the body doesn't make sufficient insulin nor respond well to the hormone. Both types of diabetes result in serious health problems such as heart disease and damage to various organs.

"Usually type 1 is a very rapid deterioration with severe symptoms, landing you in the hospital for a diagnosis," explained Dr. Stephanie Redmond, the co-founder of Diabetes Doctor Supplements. "With type 2 diabetes, the pancreas can still create insulin, it just doesn't work as well as it should . . . so we see less drastic symptoms for type 2 diagnosis."

Both types of diabetes have warning signs that the illness may be present in the body. These are the 3 P's that indicate early signs of diabetes.


Polyuria occurs when the body frequently urinates and passes excessive amounts of urine. The average adult passes one to two liters of urine daily. An abnormal amount of urine is three liters or more each day. This could lead to severe dehydration and eventually damage the kidneys.

With diabetes, it means that the kidney is filtering blood to make urine while reabsorbing sugar and returning it to the bloodstream. While the kidney attempts to remove glucose from the blood, it's also filtering out water in the body.

"I had a man tell me he found ants eating his urine around his toilet because his urine was so sweet," Dr. Redmond described. "Or we have patients describing a distinct sugary smell when they urinate."


Polydipsia is excessive thirst alongside dryness of the mouth. This may occur despite adequate daily intake of water due to polyuria.

Severe dehydration causes more damage to the kidney as well as potential damage to the heart, liver, and tissues. Diabetic people may not be drinking enough water or are drinking too many sugary drinks which increases glucose levels and make excessive urination worse. Dr. Redmond said, "Dry mouth or blurry vision usually mean glucose levels are really high already."

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The third warning sign is polyphagia or an abnormally increased appetite. Since insulin is meant to supply glucose to cells to be converted to energy, the lack of the hormone results in low energy. Low energy levels result in excessive hunger. Eating regularly does not ease the feeling of hunger yet excessive eating will increase glucose levels.

Diabetic patients are prone to developing severe polyphagia due to medication and are advised to eat something sweet instead. "Insulin resistance and high insulin levels develop before high blood sugars, so it's a great spot to make some changes early on," Dr. Redmond said.

Experiencing at least one of these symptoms may indicate the development of either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It is best to see a doctor so that proper treatment and/or medication can be prescribed.

"The symptoms listed above can also be signs of other issues including kidney, prostate, cancer, or eye diseases," said Dr. Redmond. "So while you should be mindful of these symptoms as a possible sign of diabetes, that needs to be evaluated by your doctor to rule out other causes."

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