Justin Gilmore founded ATMMachines.com in 2006, and since then, it has grown to exceptional heights. The company not only sells ATMs but also processes them. So once an ATM is purchased, ATMMachines.com will come in to help customers by connecting them to a bank and taking care of all transactions. And the best part is that it's free to process with them, because they earn what is called interchange, meaning the banking institutions are the ones to cover the costs.

The company began when Justin was just entering adulthood and wanted a way to earn passive income, and after some research, he was introduced to ATMs. Once he learned that it wasn't banks that owned the machines, but instead that any ordinary person could, he came up with an idea. Justin went around to different businesses in his hometown of Atlanta, GA, to see if anyone required an ATM.

Soon enough, he'd created a route for himself and got things set up, and by the time he was in his early twenties, he was earning $10,000 to $15,000 a month from just the ATMs. By the time he was 21, he had secured a deal with the Georgia Dome to place ATMs around the building, which was a huge success for someone so young.

Unfortunately, only six months into that three-year contract, Justin ended up losing it. He didn't have the proper resources to keep up, and all the machines would always be running out of money, which left him in a breach of contract. It was a rough time, but it taught Justin some important things, like the fact that anything is possible if one works hard enough.

That failure didn't deter Justin but instead encouraged him to continue scaling his business and putting in as much effort as possible. And it certainly paid off, because now the entrepreneur has become one of the most successful ATM businesses in America. Justin owns over 600 ATMs, processes over 1,200, and sells 20 to 30 a month.

Justin wants to share his success and advice with others, so he's currently in the process of creating an educational course about starting and growing one's own ATM business to generate passive income.

Some advice Justin would like to share is to make sure one never gives up, no matter how hard things get. There's always opportunity out there, so they shouldn't let failures get the best of them and stop them from trying again. The important thing is for them to set goals, work hard, and follow their dreams.

To keep up with this project, you can find Justin on Instagram at @atmmachines_com, where he posts consistent updates.