An unexpected sight surprised Kurdish farmer and soldier when he visited his coop after hearing cat cries. At first, he thought that his chickens were in danger which urged him to immediately check them. However, when he came to the coop, he saw three kittens under the wings of the chicken instead of chicks.

The three kitties were orphaned after their mother passed away. Hence, they came to seek warmth and care which they found from the chicken named Lee that willingly gave them shelter under her feathers.

“For some time now, I was hearing meows coming from our chicken coop and I was curious to know what was going on, as our chickens could be in danger. When I realized that the meows were coming from under the chicken, I decided to record it so as not to miss this unique moment and to my surprise, there were three beautiful kittens there,” Surchi said, according to Bored Panda.

The farmer revealed that they found the body of the kittens' mother which drowned in a lake. He shared a TikTok video showing how the chicken openly welcomed the little orphans.

One commenter said that it was good Surchi found the kittens because the chicken cannot feed them and they would end up malnourished. Another user said that hens are the best mothers while others cannot believe what they saw. The video has over 300,000 views and many were pleased with what the chicken did.

Watch the viral video below:

   @goran.surchi  â™¬ الصوت الأصلي - goran.a_88