While buying your mattress, often you may have a dilemma whether to buy an organic mattress or a traditional type of mattress.

So, in this small article, we shall try to compare a traditional mattress and an organic cooling mattress for upper and lower back pain of 2021 on 8 different parameters so that it can help you to select the right mattress for your needs.


●      Organic

You can stretch any organic material up to 30% while dry and 50% while wet, thus it can bounce back to their initial form. Also, natural wool can be bent as high as 15,000 times without any break, and hence an organic mattress will last for 10 - 20 years easily.

●      Traditional

Any traditional innerspring or memory foam may become less comfortable after a few years of use because of pressure. On an average, they will last for 6 - 7 years.


●      Organic

You can customize the firmness level as you wish. While shopping, you will have an option to select a different level of firmness, as you prefer. More importantly, any organic mattress will retain its firm shape even after many years because of the material quality.

●      Traditional

Although traditional mattresses will also be available in different firmness levels, however, often they are bouncier. Also, quite a few come with a spring system inside, which may cause sagging in due course of time and its firmness will reduce.


●      Organic

As per the raw material used, the price of organic mattresses may vary. Organic models are more known for the luxury that they offer.

●      Traditional

Traditional mattresses use common materials like memory foam, innerspring that are made of stainless steel, and hence the cost will be much higher. You will generally find such mattresses in a wide range of processes based on their quality.


●      Organic

Many orthopedic specialists will recommend such natural mattresses because of their unsurpassed support for your body. Although as compared to traditional beds, any latex models will offer better comfort, the organic mattress will however remain consistent.

●      Traditional

Traditional models often get support from the coils inside and offer greater support as long as they are new. However, due to various wear and tears it can harm your spine when it gets old.


●      Organic

Organic mattresses are generally made of natural fabrics e.g. wool or cotton that does not contain any chemicals or any harmful components. These options are always much better for our environment and also for users.

●      Traditional

Most of them may be using synthetic materials like vinyl, polyurethane foams, polyester fabrics, which are treated usually with flame retardants, adhesives, and dyes that might be harmful to our health.


●      Organic

If you are an overweight person, then organic mattresses will be your ultimate solution because it is durable and also can withstand greater pressure for a very long time.

●      Traditional

After longer use, your body weight can cause any traditional beds to get sagged, thus reduce the support and comfort. Therefore, overweight people may not find their traditional mattresses will last for too long.


●      Organic

For newborn babies, this is a much better option because it is generally made of healthy material that can offer adequate breathability for a child, which is so much important and they will not suffocate during sleep.

●      Traditional

These mattresses often contain many harmful components, which may cause a certain health issue for your baby. Also, most manufacturers do not offer mattresses for kid's sizes and hence it will be difficult to select.


●      Organic

Organic materials e.g.cotton or wool will be completely resistant to dirt and dust, so it needs less time and effort to maintain them clean.

●      Traditional

Over years, you will find a greater amount of dust, debris, and other unpleasant things getting built up inside the mattresses. That means, you will have to make much more effort to keep them clean.


Overall, you will mostly find natural materials are used for making organic mattresses, which do not contain any kind of harmful chemicals and offer a better pressure resistance. Also, they can ensure people of all ages, especially kids and senior people, a very good sleep without any back pain. For more detailed information you could also visit the site newsweek.com

Traditional beds may be available in many different options, but they may contain certain toxic dyes and chemicals that may be harmful to our health.