Prescription discount cards are intended to squeeze a better price for drugs whenever patients pay cash for their medications. No cost nor hidden charges are acquainted every time consumers use these cards, plus it is readily available even if you don't have health insurance.

In the United States, every person spends an average cost of $1,200 for every prescription and over-the-counter pills. For that reason, prescription discount cards, such as BuzzRx's prescription discount cards are one of the many ways to offer relief. However, every consumer should remember that these cards are not some type of health insurance plan. These cards are just a helping hand for your medical bills.

Why Get a Prescription Discount Card?

These cards offer a discount for every prescription of any eligible medication available, depending on their discounted drugs list. Especially when your prescribed medication is not covered in your health insurance program, these cards can come in handy. It can also help you either in addition to your health insurance or as an alternative to your insurance. 

The way you understand how these cards work and if these are truly helpful is very important. For that reason, you must be cautious in choosing your prescription discount card. Do your homework and review each card, if possible, so that you can get the following benefits.

1. You'll get a discount. 

    Of course, the very reason for getting a prescription discount card is to avail yourself of the savings while purchasing your prescription. Most companies offer discount rates that may range an average of 59% to 80% from the original price of the prescribed drug you'll be buying.

    As a wise consumer, you should get free cards by knowing how much these cards really cost and compare them to your forecast volume of drug purchase. Verify your card to avoid any scam and also weigh its pros and cons.

    2. No subscription is needed.

      Most prescription cards never expire. You can use it any time and as often as you like. Most companies offer no recurring payments when obtaining their prescription discount cards. 

      Plus, some of these cards are pre-activated. This means it's ready to use at the pharmacy the moment you get it.

      3. Qualification is not necessary.

        Most discount card programs need no qualification at all, meaning no income requirement is needed. It is available for all, even if you have insurance or not. Plus, it offers no waiting period to receive your discount card.

        4. Any family member can use it.

          You can present the same card at the pharmacy for your family, even for your pets. But you can also opt to have each family member have their own card, it's up to you.

          5. Honored by many. 

            Most drugstores recognize the use of prescription discount cards but not necessarily 100%. Your choice of a good discount card should be prioritized because this will determine if it's available nationwide.

            Learn more about the discount program your card has. Check if it has prescription assistance plans.

            How It Works

            The procedure may vary from one discount program to another, but the typical process to gain savings from any of your prescriptions may include the following:

            1. Get your free card.

              In getting your prescription discount card, you may choose from downloading, texting, mailing, or emailing it for free. Some discount cards have mobile applications to help you get through the process of having your free card. 

              2. Select a local pharmacy.

                In choosing a pharmacy, you must compare their prices and choose the one with the lowest price. In this way, you can save more.

                3. Present your discount card. 

                  In picking up your medication, you must show the pharmacist your card. With this, they will be notified, and you will pay for your prescription at a discounted rate.

                  It is as easy as that. You'll get instant savings out of your prescription. Plus, some discount programs offer donations every time you use their card. Isn't that a good thing to help back while saving? For that reason, you may save more, and at the same time, you help others.

                  Who Is Eligible to Have Them

                  Everyone is suitable to be part of any discount card program of a pharmacy or a discount plan offering company. These discount programs mostly neglect eligibility requirements; it doesn't matter whether you're insured or uninsured, hold whatever citizen status, and live in any part of the continent. You are open to participating in these kinds of discount programs. There are no pre-existing conditions prohibited nor any age restrictions to get these cards.


                  Every consumer will always seek a way to save more. Using prescription discount cards might not be entirely beneficial, but its perks will get you the savings you are eyeing for. Understanding the process of how prescription drug discounts do their work can minimize the cost for your prescriptions, however, be keen and smart enough in knowing the legitimacy of your card and how to use it. You want it to help you out, not to hurt your wallet.