August 29 marks National Lemon Juice Day in honor and celebration of the miracles this refreshing beverage brings.

Not one summer passes without people thinking about lemonades and lemons, International Business Times reported. Indeed, lime juice and lemons are very common in menus that there's a day dedicated to them.

Lemons are a primary ingredient in one of the favorite summertime drinks of Americans, not to mention an essential accessory to any seafood feast.

Aside from enhancing the food's taste, this citrus fruit also provides an ample amount of nutrition essential for the body.

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(Photo: S. Hermann & F. Richter on Pixabay)
August 29 marks the National Lemon Juice Day in honor and celebration of the miracles the citrus fruit brings, including cancer prevention and hydration.

How National Lemon Juice Day Started

Lemons have been present forever, although Christopher Columbus first introduced them to the New World in 1943, a National Today report specified.

From then on, lemons turned out to be a staple in households for medicinal purposes. They were seen at one point as well as an indication of wealth.

There is more to this citrus fruit than merely the flavor, as well as its acidic properties. Lemon juice is used in herbal treatments; it is a rapid fix for any illness and is even used to prepare at-home beauty regimens.

Essentially, many Ayurvedic recipes are using lemon juice to adjust pH balance or as other ingredients' stabilizers.

Furthermore, this refreshing beverage is very famous as well for the body's detoxification. Lemon juice mixed with water provides a complete cleansing treatment for one's digestive system.

Benefits of Lemon Juice

Because of the wonders lemon juice brings to one's health, the fruit certainly deserves to have a "National Lemon Juice Day" designated for a celebration. Indeed, there are many reasons enough for such a celebration, and five of them include the following:

1. Lemon Keeps You Hydrated

It is essential to stay hydrated, most especially during the summer season. While the Food and Nutrition Board is recommending that women get at least 91 ounces, while men should consume at least 125 ounces of fluids each day, many people are unable to meet the said requirement.

One way to correct the situation and enhance fluid intake is by adding lemon to water as it improves the flavor and prompts an individual to drink more water, be it hot or cold.

2. Prevents Cancer

According to Thrive Global, lemons are filled with multipurpose compounds flavonoids that aid in protecting the body from the attack of different cancer types. Thus, when considering consuming much lemon juice, the body will be shielded from the cancerous cells.

3. Effective for Weight Loss and Flawless Skin

The pectin found in lemons and their juice is helping one feel fuller for a longer period, helping one lose weight. Based on research, a rise in fiber intake, particularly from low-density sources such as fruit, can lower body fat and weight.

Essentially, the natural antibacterial qualities, as well as alpha hydroxyl acids, make it effective as well, like a lot of over-the-counter medications.

4. Lessens the Risk of Hypertension

Many people with less potassium in their bodies are susceptible to the dangers of developing cardiological diseases.

Nonetheless, there's no need to worry much since the power of lemon juice will enhance potassium levels to ensure such problems disappear.

5. Lemon Helps Maintain a Healthy Heart

Healthline report specified that lemons have heart-healthy vitamin C and many beneficial plant mixtures that may lower cholesterol levels.

One lemon offers roughly 31 milligrams of vitamin C, and the fiber and plant mixtures in lemons substantially lower some risk factors for heart ailment.

Related information about the National Lemon Juice Day is shown on WKBT TV's YouTube video below:


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