The pandemic has changed life in more than one way. The most dominant change relates to the way people perceive health and wellness today. Everyone wants to go the extra mile to achieve wellness, with virus safety being the top priority. From taking the relevant safety precautions to building immunity, no effort seems to be too big. At the same time, there is a lot of focus on mental well-being because stress and anxiety are rampant these days.

Not surprisingly, sexual health is also a bigger concern in the new normal. Social distancing is essential to keep the virus in control, and you can well understand how it can impact sexual well-being. While the disease is not an STD, close contact with a partner does increase its risk manifold. It makes sense to understand the additional risks to sexual health amid the pandemic and take measures to address them.

Safety during physical contact is essential

As the pandemic is still around, it is vital to understand the significance of safety during physical contact. The best piece of advice is to indulge only with a person sharing your living space, such as your spouse or live-in partner. They are the safest partners because you share the same environment. You will probably know if they are infected or at high risk. The biggest threat is that someone may be infected and asymptomatic, and this risk is minimal if you live with your partner. If you still want to get intimate with someone outside of your household, stick with only one person.  It is even better to avoid direct physical contact with such a person and get intimate virtually. There are plenty of ways you can do it, from sexting to phone conversations. A little creativity goes a long way to minimize your risks.

Avoiding contact may be the best option

When it comes to sexual health during pandemic times, avoiding contact and intimacy is perhaps the best way to be healthy. It is best to steer clear of touching and kissing if your partner has symptoms. Keep distance even before they are tested because restraint can save you from the virus. Anyone with symptoms like cough, fever, and loss of taste or smell should self-isolate. It is also the best thing to do if one has no symptoms but has been in close contact with an infected person. Both partners are responsible for each other's health and should avoid seeing each other even if they suspect infection.

A proactive approach to sexual health is vital

Right now, sexual wellness is not just about avoiding contact and practicing precautions. It is also about taking a proactive approach and addressing the problems you already have. Any health issue can weaken your immunity and make you a soft target for the virus. STDs make you vulnerable, just like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, or any other underlying condition. You must watch out for STD symptoms and get tested if you see the slightest signs. It enables early diagnosis and treatment, which can save you from a lot of trouble. A proactive approach to sexual wellness helps you bolster your immunity and stay safe from the coronavirus.

Don't undermine mental wellness

Mental wellness is crucial for sexual health, and most people fail to understand this fact. Stress, anxiety, and depression can affect your intimate relationships in more than one way. These issues are widely prevalent in the current times. Social distancing and isolation make the problem only worse. If you let mental issues persist, they may end up affecting your sexual health. You can expect myriad problems, from loss of libido to fear of contact and emotional intimacy issues. If you want to keep your sexual health in place, seek support for mental well-being. Having honest conversations with your partner is the best place to start. But you can seek counseling support if things do not seem to work out.

Taking precautions becomes more important than ever

Sexual health is closely related to staying safe from unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. You need to be a tad more careful because COVID-19 is another risk to deal with right now. Taking precautions becomes more crucial than ever because they cover you for at least the risks of unplanned pregnancy and STDs. It means you will have fewer concerns to handle. Consider using hormonal contraception to avoid unplanned pregnancy because it may not be the best time to be pregnant.  Barrier methods reduce the risk of STDs significantly. If you are new to these methods, consult a specialist and seek guidance about how they work. Also, get a recommendation for the best one for you.

Focusing on emotional intimacy is the key

Physical intimacy is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship as it keeps you close to your partner. But it may not be the most important thing right now, more so if you do not live with your partner. The best approach is to focus on emotional intimacy in the relationship. It will keep your bonding strong even in the era of social distancing. Staying connected and reaffirming your feelings often can make a difference. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to get intimate virtually. You can get creative with ideas like virtual dates and hookups to keep the fire burning. The wait is worthwhile because it can keep you and your partner safe from infection.

Your health matters the most, and you shouldn't ignore any aspect of it. Sexual wellness is as much a concern as physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Experts recommend using creative ways to stay in touch with your partner and keep the intimacy in place. At the same time, you must avoid contact with partners not sharing your space. Follow the usual precautions, and you need not worry much about contracting the virus or STDs due to unsafe physical contact. It is worth going the extra mile with your sexual wellness in the new normal. The phase will pass, but a little extra attention to safety can be life-saving.