The pandemic has impacted every area of our lives, not least our mental health. The American Psychological Society says that we are facing a 'national mental health crisis' with stress at its highest level since early on in the pandemic. 84 percent of Americans in the survey reported feeling stress-related emotions, including anxiety, sadness, and anger.

While managing your personal stress levels is vital, managers and leaders need to be aware of their team members' mental health struggles. Chad Price, CEO of MAKO Medical Laboratories, oversees a team of more than 1,000 dedicated workers. Within this guide, the entrepreneur and business leader shares advice on how to manage the issues. 

Improve Your Management Practices 

The quality of management your company offers could have a direct impact on workers' mental health. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that poor levels of communication and management approaches can have a negative impact on people and lead to stress. With that in mind, now may be the right time to review your framework. 

To get started, you can conduct an internal, anonymous survey of the current setup. Doing so will give you a clear understanding of areas that are lacking and need improvement. Taking the time to overhaul your existing approach could make a huge impact on your team members' mental wellness. Chances are, you don't have to change every aspect of the managerial structure. Instead, focus on small yet significant moves you can make. 

Organize Regular Catch-Ups 

When staff members are struggling with stress or anxiety, they may not be sure how to raise the topic. Of course, there is still a massive stigma when it comes to mental health. Often enough, workers fear that they will be treated differently in a professional environment due to their problems. It's time to relieve that tension and offer them some support. One way in which you can do that is to organize regular catch-ups with the team. 

These one-on-one talks could give your employees the opportunity to bring up any problems they are currently facing. By creating a safe space in which they can talk openly, you give your workers the chance to speak up about their mental health. Make it clear that there will be no judgement should they have any concerns when it comes to their work. 

Recognize Employee Contributions 

Celebrating the success of your employees is a simple approach that could enhance their mental health. This is one way in which you can support your team and make it clear that you value the work they do on a day-to-day basis. Of course, there are plenty of ways in which you can reward staff members when they achieve. You may want to put a bonus scheme in place or look at other rewards, such as extended days off or flexi-time. 

The success of your business rests on your employees' shoulders. You may also want to issue symbolic awards to team members when they excel. These can include cards, certificates, or public announcements of their achievements. Recent research suggests that these gestures can improve your team's performance, motivation, and even retention. Take the time to consider how you can reward employees and the initiatives you can start.

Reduce Work-Related Risks

Working is generally good for people's mental wellness. However, individuals deserve to feel safe when they enter the workplace. Should they experience work-related risks, this could have a negative impact on their mental health, leading to high levels of stress. As a manager or leader, you have a responsibility to protect your team and ensure that health and safety guidelines are in place at all times. This should be a fundamental right within any workplace, whether your business is in the healthcare field or any other sector. 

Now that many workers are returning to offices and sites after the COVID-19 outbreak it has never been more important to protect them. Ensuring that you follow the government guidelines on keeping the workplace safe is a smart place to start. You should also share your procedures with the workforce. You may want to hold a meeting with staff members to outline the approach you are taking and invite any questions they may have. Needless to say, it's important to sanitize work stations, practice social distancing where possible, and test your team members regularly. Taking these measures could make a real difference. 

The Takeaway! 

Mental health is always a top priority. However, with the pandemic not yet over, it has been brought into clear focus. Whether you're a manager, team leader, or CEO of a company, there are ways that you can protect your team members. Following Chad Price's advice is one way to enhance your mental wellness practices, but it doesn't have to end there. You can continuously look into new approaches in this realm. Keeping your staff members happy and stress-free is no small feat. However, it is a worthwhile goal, both for them and the business at large. Why not take a look at the changes you can make today?

About MAKO Medical Laboratories

Supported by an expert team of nationally-recognized doctors and PhDs, MAKO Medical Laboratories specializes in methodology development and pathological services. The game-changing testing company and labs prioritize patients by offering transparency. 

Started in 2014 by Chad Price, Adam Price, and Josh Arant, it aims to disrupt the sector. Additionally, MAKO Medical offers support to veterans. The company combines a wealth of new technology including robotics, app platforms, and cloud-based tech. In response to the pandemic, the laboratories have adapted their services to offer accurate testing. 

Chad Price is the CEO of MAKO Medical Laboratories. He has had a long entrepreneurial career previously co-founding BrideGenie and founding Element Services Group Mechanical LLC. He has played a major role in starting Cary Reconstruction, and is a board member for Trill A.I. Moreover, he currently offers tailored consulting services to companies embarking on new mergers or primed for growth.