Tips for Finding Your Passion in Life

Everyone wants to find their passion in life, but it can be difficult. Some people have had the same passion since they were a kid, but others have bounced from interest to interest. It can be challenging to know where to start. To help you out, we've rounded up 17 tips, questions to ask yourself, and things to ponder to get you started on the path to finding your passion.

1. What do you already love doing?

    Ask yourself, what do you love to do? Do you have a hobby that you spend hours on each day? If so, that's your passion! The trick is to figure out if you can make money from it and turn it into a career. 

    Start by doing research. If you love to garden for instance, maybe a career in landscaping would be a good fit. Or, if you have entrepreneurial tendencies, you could open up your own gardening store. Use your hobby as your starting point, and then go from there. 

    2. Brainstorm

      "Sometimes it can be hard to find your passion. Maybe you have many interests and ideas. That's okay. Sit down with a pen and paper and simply brainstorm. Write down everything that you're interested in, even if it sounds silly," says Reece Kresser, Co-Founder of Zizi. "There are no wrong answers during this brainstorming session. From there, you can start to narrow down what is solely a hobby and what could turn into a life-long career."

      3. Ask around

        "If you find yourself stuck in your own head, ask your friends and family for help. The people closest to you know you best, sometimes even better than you know yourself. See if they have any suggestions," says Stephen Skeel, Co-Founder & Executive Producer of 7 Wonders Cinema

        Another idea is to ask them how they found their passion. Pick their brain a bit. You can even expand your list to include colleagues and acquaintances. Anyone in your life can be a source of inspiration. 

        4. What do you spend hours reading about?

          One of the things that may get in the way of people being lifelong learners is that they're not in touch with their passion. If you're passionate about what it is you do, then you're going to be looking for everything you can to get better at it," says Jack Canfield, Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

          If you spend hours reading about a particular subject in your spare time, then you've possibly found your passion. If you're consumed with a certain industry, product, hobby, or career, then lean into. People's passion bleeds into every facet of their life. If there's something you're constantly trying to find out more about, then you're on the right track to finding your passion. 

          5. Give it a try

            "Before jumping in head first, try out what you think may be your passion. Keep your day job, but try it as a side hustle or even as a hobby," says Nick King, CEO of Vint. "You'll be able to see if it's truly your calling before investing your time, money, and resources into it. If after a few months you still love it, then you've likely found your passion."

            6. Research

              "When you think you've found your passion, do copious amounts of research. Read every book you can find on the topic, attend seminars and events related to the industry, and scour the web for articles," says Zach Goldstein, CEO of Public Rec

              "I'd also suggest speaking to people who are currently doing what you want to be doing. Any information you can glean from them will be useful in determining if this is truly what you want to spend your life doing," says Goldstein.

              7. Don't give up

                Trying to find your passion can be frustrating, but it's important to not give up. Keep at it. You may end up going down different paths in the quest to find your passion. When one trail ends at a dead end, simply backtrack and start again. Explore multiple possibilities. The important takeaway is to persevere until you find what makes you happy. 

                8. Stay true to yourself

                  "It's okay to change your mind when it comes to finding out what makes you tick. Maybe you received a degree in education, but you've always dreamed about owning your own business. That's fine. Many successful entrepreneurs have pivoted at least once in their life," says Daniel Sathyanesan, CEO and Founder of Winden

                  "Don't limit yourself. If you have multiple interests, pursue them all. Don't feel like there's only one right path for you. The key to finding your passion and ultimately success is never losing who you are as a person," says Sathyanesan.

                  9. Focus on you

                    "Don't compare yourself to others. Many times your friends or colleagues don't have it figured out as much as you think they do. Everyone's on their own journey, so it's important to focus on yourself only," says Chris Gadek, Head of Growth for AdQuick. "They may be in the middle of finding their passion, while you're still at the beginning. It doesn't matter. What counts is that you're working towards your own goals."

                    10. Let go of fear

                      "One of the most important tips for finding your passion is to let go of fear. It's easy to be afraid when you have to take a leap of faith, but it's also necessary. You're not going to find your passion by playing it safe," says Daniel Osman, Head of Sales for Balance Homes. "You're going to need to take risks and try new things. Get outside of your comfort zone. Amazing opportunities will come your way when you allow yourself to accept them."

                      11. Slow down

                        It's common to want to rush and find your passion, but it's actually better if you can slow down. When we take time to really focus on our mental, physical, and spiritual health, we're more likely to figure out our passion in life. When we're not going a hundred miles per hour, we have more time to breathe and see what's right in front of us. 

                        12. Don't focus on money

                          "If you're truly passionate about something, you're not thinking about how much money it's going to make you. While a hefty salary is definitely a bonus, it shouldn't be the deciding factor when it comes to figuring out what you're going to spend your life doing," says Max Schwartzapfel, CMO of Fighting for You. "If you only focus on money, you're most likely going to end up unhappy. Instead, do what you love first and then figure out how to make it profitable."

                          13. Don't let naysayers bother you

                            "Not everyone is going to "get you." Don't waste your time trying to rationalize your passion to people who don't support you. Be confident in your dreams and vision for your life. Surround yourself with people who will propel you forward. You need a support system when working towards understanding your passion," says Phillip Montalvo, Director of Marketing for Azuna

                            14. Be open

                              "Your passion in life may be different than you originally imagined it to be. It's important to stay flexible and open to a myriad of possibilities. One passion can also lead to another. Your life is most likely going to have a lot of twists and turns and finding your passion is no different. If you go with the flow, you're more likely to find your true passion, even if it surprises you," says Mehdi Marrakchi, CEO of Mob Hookah.

                              15. Reach out to people

                                When you've narrowed down your passion to a specific job or industry, find people currently working in your desired field and ask them questions. Find out what their day-to-day is like. Ask them advice on how to get started. 

                                Do they have an advanced degree? Or, relevant experience? Once you find that out, start to take the next steps. If you're lacking specific skills, work on acquiring the necessary ones. One way to do this is to apply for an internship. It's a great way to learn about a specific role and get your foot in the door at the same time. 

                                16. Use the rocking chair test

                                  Imagine yourself in a rocking chair near the end of your life. Reflect back on your experiences and visualize your life from start to finish. What was your biggest regret? Was there anything you wish you experienced that you didn't? Is there a path you wish you had taken? Use this visualization practice to guide your present day decision making in terms of finding your passion.

                                  17. Dream big

                                    "Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical," says Howard Schultz, Founder and former CEO of Starbucks.

                                    It's important not to limit yourself. Set your sights high. You'll never know what you can achieve if you stay small. You can always set smaller goals along the way, but don't be afraid to have a large goal that you're passionate about achieving. When you love what you do, the sky's the limit.