Kinjal, 11, from Delhi, India, asked experts in the Curious Kids series how cockroaches could survive the asteroid that led to the extinction of dinosaurs. These insects have been around for 300 million years and managed to escape annihilation from major extinction events in history, gaining them the title of the ultimate survivor.

Many also wondered whether cockroaches could outlive humans because it has adapted so well to living with them. Here's an explanation from experts on why these insects managed to live so long, longer than the dinosaurs.

(Photo : Pixabay/Republica)
Could Cockroaches Outlive Humans? Here's How These Insects Survived the Many Powerful Extinctions in History

How Did the Cockroaches Survive the Chicxulub Impact?

The Chicxulub impact about 66 million years ago triggered massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions thousands of miles from the impact site. Scientists believe that it caused dinosaurs and many species to cease to exist, with only the ancestors of today's birds managing to survive.

So, how do cockroaches who are only a couple of inches long were able to survive? According to Brian Lovett, a postdoctoral researcher in mycology at West Virginia University, cockroaches were equipped to live through a meteoric catastrophe.

In an article Lovett wrote in The Conversation, he said that cockroaches are flat insects which means they are designed to easily squeeze themselves into tighter spaces to hide from threats like the Chicxulub impact. Also, despite the fluctuating temperatures at that time, cockroaches could take shelter in tiny soil crevices that provided them with protection from heat.

Moreover, cockroaches were still able to find food during that time because they are omnivorous scavengers. That means they eat most foods from animals and plants, clothing, and even poop.

Another helpful trait is that they lay their eggs in protective cases called oothecae which are hard enough to protect their contents from physical damage and threats. It ensures that the eggs are protected and the next generation will continue.

In terms of whether cockroaches could outlive humans, Science Times previously reported that it is possible since these insects have adapted so well that they could become indestructible in the future. The modern cockroaches are little survivors that can live anywhere on land and at any temperature.

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Body of Cockroaches Inspire Robotics Design

Cockroaches are built to play defense with their exoskeleton protecting their soft bodies. According to Seeker, their exoskeleton is both rigid and flexible enough to allow the insect to crawl into tiny crevices and hide whenever there are threats.

Furthermore, their legs are built for running with a top speed of 200 miles per hour. Also, losing a limb is not an issue as they can regrow them as they molt.

With all these amazing characteristics, scientists thought of making robots inspired by cockroaches. reported in 2015 that researchers from the University of California, Berkeley had built a robot that can use its body to maneuver through a densely cluttered environment, much like how cockroaches move.

The robot is fitted with the characteristic rounded shell of the discoid cockroach to roll and maneuver to slip through gaps between vertical beam obstacles without additional sensors or motors. Scientists hope that the robot can inspire the design of future terrestrial robots to use in various scenarios, like environment monitoring and rescue operations.

RELATED ARTICLE: Cockroaches Are Evolving And in the Future They can Become Impossible To Kill

Check out more news and information on Cockroaches in Science Times.