A major solar storm warning has been issued recently as the Earth is struck by a massive plasma blast from the Sun, with some experts cautioning of radiation risk today.

A Daily Express report specified that this planet is currently "being blasted by a major solar storm, with experts warning of more danger in the week ahead.

Based on the United States Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) alert, the Earth is caught amidst a geomagnetic storm after an explosion from the Sun struck it.

The organization labeled the said sun storm as G3, categorized as strong. Such strong geomagnetic storms can lead to disruptions in power systems, create problems for satellites and astronauts in space, and major even take out navigation systems and radio communications.

Essentially, a geomagnetic storm occurs when there is an efficient energy exchange from the solar wind to the space environment surrounding this planet.

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(Photo: Wikimedia Commons/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center )
Spectacular aurora lit the night sky from Europe to North America on August 3, 2010, due to a 12-hour long geomagnetic storm. The storm occurred as large clouds of charged particles from the Sun interacted with the magnetic field around Earth.

Major Storm Category

The officials at NOAA added that such solar storms can bring auroras as well, like the Northern Lights, which relatively low latitudes can now spot. The organization also warned that the storm that started yesterday continued and has remained categorized as a major storm.

Apace weather physicist Dr. Damitha Skov warned that the solar storm from yesterday will continue today, and whereas most of it will be concentrated in the high altitudes, somewhat lower altitudes could see some auroras, as well.

SpaceWeather.com reported that the present solar winds are blowing at 526.6 kilometers per second with a 7.5 protons/cm3 density.

At a Solar Storm's Strongest Level

At a solar storm's strongest level, a similar New York Times Post report said, categorized as G5, the charged electromagnetic particles can result in electricity grids worldwide collapsing, bringing down satellite navigation and another major electrical conflict.

In February, Elon Musk's SpaceX said that out of 49, the company lost up to 4o Starlink satellites, which it launched earlier, following a geomagnetic solar storm. In a statement, SpaceX said such storms are causing the atmosphere to be warm and atmospheric density at the low deployment attitude to rise.

In fact, onboard GPS suggested the escalation speed and the storm's severity caused atmospheric drag to rise to 50 percent higher than during the past launches.

Earth Unprepared for the Solar Storm

Experts have repeatedly cautioned that the Earth is not yet prepared for the possible effects caused when a G5 storm occurs. This specific storm was an outcome of a coronal mass ejection or CME, which came out of the Sun a couple of days ago.

One of the most powerful forms of the solar storm, a CME, occurs when the Sun belches out a cloud of charged particles and electromagnetic fluctuations.

Related information about the solar storms is shown on Jame Andy - Earth Science TV's YouTube video below:

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Check out more news and information on the Sun in Science Times.