Two fishermen beat a giant crocodile over a fish and a hat in a viral video.

The father and son from Australia were forced to fight an apex predator. The son wanted preserve their meal while the father confronted the beast to get his son's hat.

(Photo : ADALBERTO ROQUE/AFP via Getty Images)
An adult Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer) is seen at the breeding center of Cienaga de Zapata, Cuba, on june 14, 2021. - Considered critically endangered, the Cuban crocodile sees the purity of its race threatened by the fieryness of its American cousin. Faced with this reality, scientists wonder if they shouldn't just let Mother Nature decide.

Fishermen Fight a Giant Crocodile

Scott Roscarel was fishing with his father at Cahills Crossing in Kakadu when the 13-foot beast emerged from the river.

At the time, he was ecstatic to have caught a barramundi fish. Still, reports said he had no idea that the fish he had just captured would draw the attention of the huge reptile who was also in the water.

The croc pursues the bait, edging closer to what could have been a more substantial meal — the humans on the beach.

Scott reeled in his catch despite the beast's size and speed. The spectators yelled and urged him to let go of the fish.

"Let him have it!" one person can be heard saying in the video, Mirror reported.

However, he didn't pay attention and instead managed to drag the barramundi fish onto the concrete, losing his cap in the process.

His father retrieved his hat and stepped away from the enraged reptile.

It was a razor-thin margin, and it could've gone any way had the couple been a few seconds later.

ALSO READ: 17-Foot Crocodile Killed by Locals in Kenya After Eating 3-Year-Old Boy Alive; How to Survive an Apex Predator's Deadly Attack?

The croc could be seen pushing its nose against the concrete ramp's side, stopping the monster from lunging at him.

The fisherman thought the ramp had rescued them. Looking attentively at the footage, you can see the croc's lower jaw caught on the ramp.

How the Fishermen Got Away Alive

Scott claimed he had to handle the situation. He stated the fish leaped as it reached the crossing's edge, and the line got trapped on the front of the crossing.

"I had that much adrenaline; I wasn't thinking too much. I realized how close the croc was, and I backed up," Scott told NT News.

According to him, he broke his pole in the process but caught the fish just in time. While Scott was willing to risk his life for the fish, he feared for what his father did just to get his hat.

"What're you doing mate? I've got 15 at home, I've only got one father," Scott said about his dad's close encounter with the crocodile.

A spectator captured the whole affair on film and Scott shared it on Instagram. In the caption, Scott joked that catching a meter Barra is difficult enough without battling a croc on top of it.

The video has garnered hundreds of views and several comments from the internet community.

Roscarel told Sunrise (via 7News) that he was determined not to lose his meal after a few lousy fishing days before the dramatic encounter.

Thankfully, Scott and his father made it out alive.

However, experts advised against confronting a crocodile, especially for just a hat.

RELATED ARTICLE: 10-Feet Crocodile Attacks Fisherman by Clamping Jaws Around His Head Before Dragging Him Into a Death Roll  

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