Burnout doesn't manifest instantly, and the feeling of fatigue, exhaustion, and dissatisfaction usually increase gradually. Reduced involvement in daily tasks, more frequent days off than usual, and hypersensitive responses to feedback are among the first alarm signs your employees are headed for burnout.

An attentive and thoughtful manager can catch signs of burnout in the early stage and prevent it. How? Follow the three steps described in this article and enhance them with the help of the Headway app, providing fun and easy growth. 

Here are three steps that will help you detect your employees' burnout in the early stages and effectively deal with it

Implement regular one-to-ones with your employees

The best way to keep track of your employees' mental state is to communicate with them in person regularly. You can use one-on-one meetings to discuss broader work plans, employees' personal development, overall condition, task satisfaction, challenges, and work-life balance. 

Develop a career path with employees and help them set goals

Being aware of achievements, analyzing failures, and tracking progress increase job satisfaction. However, it's hard to celebrate achievements without a clear understanding of your career path and goals. People who have worked for a company for a long time and don't have rapid career growth tend to lose interest in work and their sense of purpose. This is where the chances of burnout increase dramatically.

Encourage wellness at work

Maintaining your employees' work-life balance, arranging sports or yoga classes at the workspace, organizing informal team meetings during the day, or simply offering a quiet place to unplug, meditate and read for 15 minutes in the office would be practical steps to reducing stress at the workplace.

Moreover, the Headway app is a great instrument for switching attention and breathing out stress. Your employees can take just 10-15 minutes to watch, listen to or read up on the topic of their interest and get back to work with fresh thoughts and insights.