Slip and Fall accidents are inevitable and can happen anywhere. These accidents can result in minor injuries, bruises or even major injuries having long-term repercussions and disabilities. It is important to understand the science behind slip and fall accidents. Preventing them needs an understanding and preparedness. With proper knowledge, businesses can reduce the risk of these accidents at their place. 

However, many businesses fail to take preventive measures, and each year, the total injuries due to falls are estimated at around $ 13-14 million. The Orlando slip and fall lawyers at Michael T. Gibson, P.A, say that in all such injury cases, the injured should consult an attorney to seek the right compensation.

This blog will discuss the science behind slip and fall accidents and how to prevent them. 

Physics of Slip and Fall

Many forces are involved in the mechanics of a slip and fall accident. For example, secure footing, balance, regulated speed, gravity, friction and many other things make the scenario for a slip and fall accident. 

Here are the following factors for businesses to consider while making their places safe and less prone to these accidents-


Friction is the first source of movement between our feet and the ground. If the force of friction is weak, slips and falls are inevitable, and the consequences can be bad. A lack of friction can cause severe accidents at business places as well. Some businesses are more vulnerable to such accidents than others. For example- construction firms, oil industries, etc. Safety experts use a standard metric known as the coefficient of friction to measure the slipperiness of the floor. This metric gauges the amount of resistance which can cause a person walking on it to fall. The law covers this under premises liability, according to which the property owner should maintain the COF limit. Hence, if a slip and fall accident happens at a property not keeping the COF factor in mind, they are entitled to cover the damages of the injured.


Momentum is an important factor to consider for creating a no slip and fall environment. Momentum, as science tells us, is the product of weight and speed and a force that keeps an object in motion. That means higher Momentum can make it tough to change directions and lead to severe injury in a slip and fall accident. Momentum is a force that several events can impact. For example, water and ice on the floor, grease, fruit skin like a banana peel, etc. 


Maintaining your balance means stabilizing your center of gravity. Gravity and balance is another important force that plays a part in a slip and fall. Gravity is the primary reason for slips and falls. Your body can maintain balance in three ways-

  • The visual system comprises everything that we can see visually through our eyes. First, our eyes observe the surroundings, helping us to maintain balance. Though you might feel that gravity can't be controlled, that's not the case.

  • The vestibular system uses ears and is responsible for detecting location changes.

  • Your nervous system detects the body's movement and guides you where to move.

It would help if you avoided certain movements that discourage gravity, including excess Momentum, uncentered gravity and overspeeding. 

Ways to prevent slip and fall accidents

Wearing the right footwear is important to help maintain good traction. Ensure that your heels are in good condition and there is enough friction between the heel of your footwear and the floor. However, slip and fall accidents can happen even with the right footwear.

Here are a few important tips to keep in mind to avoid falls-

  • Employees should check for leaks and spill water, oil, chemicals and other substances.

  • Beware of any protruding object like metal shavings and sawdust, etc.

  • Pay great attention to the floor that you are walking on. Additionally, you should take special care inside the restrooms, and floors here can be wet.

  • Walk carefully and take short steps around these areas to maintain balance.

  • Ensure that your property is always illuminated. 

  • Avoid using your phone while walking or doing any other activity that diverts your attention.

Slip and Fall statistics can be lowered down with the right prevention tactics. It is the duty of both the businesses and the users to incorporate these safe practices.