(Photo : Firmbee.com / Unsplash)

As marketers look ahead to 2023, SEO will remain a crucial way to expand their online visibility. With search engine algorithms evolving every year and technology constantly developing, staying informed on the latest best practices in the field can be challenging. 

However, staying informed is essential as strategies become outdated and to ensure that your business's website stays competitive in the higher rankings of search engine results pages (SERPs). 

To help you stay up-to-date with emerging trends, we will examine the top six SEO trends for 2023 that digital marketers should be aware of. Read on to learn more about the coming changes and how you can use them to create successful campaigns.

2023 SEO Trends

1. SEO-rich Content is Still a Must 

Content will continue to be important in 2023 as it is what people consume. However, to stay competitive in higher search engine rankings, your content should be not only fresh but also provide reliable answers to user queries and offer solutions to consumers. 

An award-winning New York SEO company suggests making your content more interesting and engaging. Consider incorporating video and infographic content in addition to images or text. 

Studies have shown that video content effectively attracts customers, with one study revealing that 8 out of 10 individuals purchased apps or other products after watching brands' videos. 

Additionally, research indicates that around 53% of consumers prefer to watch videos instead of reading texts or graphics of marketed products.

2. Implementing Local SEO

As mobile device searches with the term "near me" have increased by over 130% in 2021 and are expected to continue in 2023, businesses must focus on Local SEO. One way to do this is by utilizing the Google Map Pack, as it allows more consumers to find your business even if you don't have a website. 

Creating a Google My Business account is essential to take advantage of this. In addition, it's crucial to ensure that you are enhancing your local SEO to gain an edge over your competitors. 

This can be supported by the fact that many local businesses, such as masonry contractors in NYC and home renovation contractors in NJ , have significantly increased their rankings after optimizing their GMB profiles correctly and building locally optimized content for their websites. 

3. Considering Voice Search 

Voice assistants for mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular. With the advancements made for Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple's Siri, and Samsung's Bixby, people tend to use them more often now. If you want people to find your website through these voice assistants, you need to optimize your website as much as possible. 

Using target keywords in the form of questions could significantly help your website appear more. Using these can help you answer people's queries about your business or products. You can also use conversational keywords or create a FAQ section on your website.

4. Using Marketing AI Tools 

As marketing becomes more advanced over time, it is critical to use artificial intelligence-powered tools. Integrating AI into your marketing strategy means you no longer have to hire many employees. 

Your AI-powered tool can generate automated decisions based on real-time statistics, observations, and other data. You can use chatbots, AI like ChatGPT, and other similar tools to improve your SEO strategies further. However, you still need to check their outputs from time to time, especially if you want to ensure that their work is engaging.

5. Creating Mobile-friendly Websites

People spend most of their time online nowadays. Even when they go to the gym, shop during holidays, or just chill at a coffee shop, they always use their smartphones. Since this is the case, having a responsive and mobile-friendly website is essential. 

Therefore, you need to create it using a responsive framework and coding. This will allow your website to change its appearance whenever it is accessed via smartphones. You can do this by relying on Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

6. Always Check Your EAT Signals

Experts said EAT (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) signals should continuously be tracked. These factors will be vital for the following years. Significant EAT signals will allow your website to be determined by Google as a valuable online site to consumers. 

You can ensure that your EAT signals are efficient by building appropriate and high-quality backlinks. Aside from this, generating more customer reviews, creating an "About Us" section, and keeping your content up-to-date will also improve your EAT signals.


With all the details above, SEO trends for 2023 will surely be more technical. They won't be focusing only on the content but also on how they are presented to consumers. By ensuring that your SEO strategy is up-to-date, you can get a great advantage over your competitors, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve.