Building biceps worth showing off seems simple but harder than it sounds. You must optimize your exercise, food, and recovery schedule to get the desired results.

To build the peaks on your arms, you must train the biceps with intensity and a broad range of exercises to target the parts of the bicep that lead to peak growth.

Prioritize exercises that isolate the biceps, such as incline, spider, and preacher curls. Use a set-and-repeat range that promotes hypertrophy to make bigger bicep peaks (muscle growth).

We'll go through the top 5 best exercises for bicep peak in your workouts and how to develop a bicep peak with these exercises.

Top 5 Best Exercise For Bicep Peak

1. Barbell Bicep Drag Curl

The barbell drag curl is performed by lifting the weight without allowing the elbows to move forward.

Keep your elbows back while dragging the barbell along the front of your body to increase the stress on your biceps' long head.

How to perform:

  1. Hold the barbell tightly and position yourself to do a barbell curl.

  2. While doing a curl, keep the bar on your body to avoid forcing your elbows to flex backward as you raise the weight to your chest.

When the bar approaches the chest, visualize bringing the thumbs to the armpits and allowing the elbows to flex backward and upward.

2. Spider Curl

The spider curl is a good bicep exercise that targets the short head of the bicep muscle and helps define the bicep peak.

They resemble a preacher curl in many ways. The only difference is that you turn around and utilize the bench's other side. 

This prevents the biceps from using momentum and pushes them to resist gravity throughout the range of motion.

How to perform:

  1. Set a bench with an inclination at a 45-degree angle.

  2. Take a dumbbell in each hand, supinating your hands, so they face forward.

  3. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and press your chest on the bench.

  4. At the beginning posture, your arms should be stretched straight and parallel to the ground.

  5. Curl the dumbbells up until your shoulders are level with them.

  6. Take a breath and tighten your top guns.

  7. Repeat for the advised number of repetitions.

3. Incline Hammer Curl

The long head of the bicep, which helps to develop a larger peak, is the focus of the incline hammer curl, which is a fantastic workout.

The neutral hammer grip will highlight the long head, while the incline bench will put the elbow back farther to expose the long head and teach the whole range of motion.

How to perform:

  1. Adjust a bench so the back support is roughly 30 degrees from the upright position. 

  2. Grab two dumbbells in each hand, with the palms facing you as you sit down.

  3. Let the arms hang down and do a hammer curl, being careful not to round your shoulders or elbows as you hoist the weight.

Your back must be in the right position so, during training, you don't put more weight on your back.

For more information on back training, click on

4. Preacher Curl Machine

This works both the short and long heads of the biceps and may be done to build generally larger arms. Ensuring you continue to exercise the short head of the bicep is important since larger arms will also result in bigger peaks.

How to perform:

Do a bicep curl while seated in a preacher curl posture on a machine, being careful to keep the backs of the arms on the pads.

Train using your whole range of motion, avoiding resting in the bottom or top position. The goal is to maintain constant stress on the muscle.

5. Cable Bicep Curl

With the cable bicep curl, you can work both the short and long heads of your biceps, which helps your arms grow. You may target different parts of the arm using a variety of grips.

How to perform:

  1. Position the pulley with a handle attachment in the low position before a cable stack. A straight bar, rope, or v-bar may be used. 

  2. Curl as far as possible while keeping your elbows at your sides, carefully avoiding swinging your elbows upward.

  3. Place yourself three to four feet away from the cable, so it is not directly below you. 

  4. To expand the range of motion, you might have tension at the bottom of the curl and place your hands and elbows slightly in front of you.


You will gain inches on your arms if you include these Top 5 best bicep peak exercises into your fitness routine. And keep in mind that outcomes are not instantaneous.

Your food, exercise, recovery routine, and genetics will determine how long it will take to develop biceps with a mountain-like peak if you're just starting. Nonetheless, you may accelerate the process by doing the exercises outlined in this article. Work diligently, be consistent, and be patient!!