What Can You Get from Robotic Pool Cleaners

As the weather warms up and the days get longer, people are dusting off their pools and getting them ready for the season. If you haven't had your pool cleaned lately, it's a good idea to have a robotic pool cleaner clean your pool before you get into the water.

Let's face it: Keeping a swimming pool clean is not an easy task. It can be time-consuming as well as physically taxing. But when you use a robotic pool cleaner you can automate your pool cleaning routine. This way, you can free yourself up for other enjoyable tasks.

A robotic pool cleaner takes away the need to remove the leaves, algae, or build-up that often form in your pool. Many cost-effective pool vacuum robots in 2023 mostly work in the same way. The end result is a crisp and clean pool that looks ready for your next swim.

Aside from these general benefits, what are the other reasons to get a bot? Let's find out.

(Photo : Scrubbing Plus Other Benefits of Robotic Pool Cleaners)

Easy to Operate

Robotic pool cleaners are easy to use. Simply plug it into a power outlet and put the cleaner in the pool. Then, use the remote to direct it to clean certain areas. They even have timers that turn the robotic pool cleaner on and off at the right time. Once it is done cleaning, it will remove the excess water inside its body before it goes up. All you need to do is pick it, take out and clean the filters, put them back, and let the machine dry for a while before storing it. It really is that simple!

(Photo : Scrubbing Plus Other Benefits of Robotic Pool Cleaners)

High-End Filtration

The best robotic pool cleaners boast superior filtration systems. They are designed to pick up any loose debris, small leaves, and rocks. This means fewer trips to the pool store, and the pool will always be clean and inviting. It's a great way to have consistent cleanliness with less effort.

Unparalleled Scrubbing Power

Robotic pool cleaners scrub the surface evenly, even the ones that usually need to be scrubbed by hand. To ensure that the device has good scrubbing efficiency, choose a model with flexible yet strong bristles that can scrape out all the dirt from different surfaces.

While scrubbing, you don't need to scoop anything out of the pool since the bot sucks the dirt too. The debris is collected in the garbage bag inside the bot's body, which you can remove easily later on.

Circulates Pool Water

Automatic pool cleaning creates a constant flow of water in your pool that keeps the dirt and filth from settling at the bottom. This ensures a cleaner pool and makes the pool maintenance process a lot easier. These cleaners come with adjustable speed options to either move your pool's water around at a slow pace or at a faster speed.

(Photo : Scrubbing Plus Other Benefits of Robotic Pool Cleaners)

Clean Specific Area Only

Depending on the model you choose, you also have the option to select between different modes (although some do have pre-set modes, depending on the type of vacuum you buy). 'Auto' and 'Wall-only' are the most common modes. The former gives you the option to choose the length of the cycle and what area of the floor to concentrate on. "Wall-only" focuses on vacuuming along wall edges and other vertical surfaces. Other modes such as 'Floor-only', 'Scrub', 'Spot', and 'Stairs' are also available, which allows for slightly more flexibility.

Saves Money

Having a robotic pool cleaner can help ease the burden and expense of cleaning your pool. Typically, you would need to connect your pump to your pool cleaner. But since robotic pool cleaners don't need to be powered by your pool pump, you're saving money on electric bills whenever you're cleaning the pool! Also, you will no longer need to call professional pool cleaners that charge a lot for their service. That's two saving points for you!

Safe to Use

We haven't heard of an accident pointing to the pool cleaner as the culprit. But if you have kids or pets who might get caught in the cords, then it's a good idea to choose a cordless model. These models are safer and designed to prevent anyone, including your kids, from tripping over the cords. They also work great on the large pool since they don't have a cord that limits the distance they travel. Some wireless models have a wireless remote so you can control it from your deck while you relax with a drink in hand.

(Photo : Scrubbing Plus Other Benefits of Robotic Pool Cleaners)

Easy to Maintain

It's important to learn how to care for your robotic pool cleaner so that it will last longer. First, detach the automated cleaner from the pool wall and then remove the system's filter cartridge. After you have done that, you can clean the filter with a hose and pool water. Then, you can leave it under the sun for a while to dry before storing it. These are the only things you need to keep the device in good condition.

Lessens the Stress from Your Pool Filter

By using a robotic pool cleaner, you will be lessening the load on your filtration system. Your main filtering system will only have to clean the larger debris in your pool, such as leaves and large toys, while the robot handles the smaller particles that would normally collect in your filter media. This will reduce the maintenance of your pool and save time and money while keeping your pool cleaner, and longer.

Energy Efficient

Pool cleaning robots also have economic benefits. They are more energy efficient and effective than manual pool cleaning. With pool cleaning robots you will also be reducing the amount of chemicals you need to use.

Approximately, the pumps are only going to cost a few cents to run in an hour, which is way cheaper than having your pool pumps run. Your electricity bills will be cut in half and you don't have to worry about the time-consuming task of adjusting your valves.

The robotic pool cleaner is indeed a great investment for your pool. It can clean your pool efficiently. You will not have to put a lot of effort into cleaning your pool. It doesn't require the same amount of upkeep that other types of pool cleaners do, they don't take up a lot of space, and they're easy to use. There are different models and brands to choose from, so you can pick the best one that you need.