It cannot be denied that we are currently experiencing the effects of climate change in various areas of our lives. Experts have warned us to take urgent measures to limit this phenomenon and avoid its worst consequences. One of the greatest contributors to climate change is carbon emissions.

Carbon dioxide naturally occurs in the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas which, at a normal level, helps keep our planet's average global surface temperature. However, an increased level of carbon dioxide can supercharge the natural greenhouse effect and result in rising global temperatures.

(Photo: Pexels/ Pixabay)

Reducing carbon in the atmosphere is challenging, considering the human activities contributing to its emissions. Efficient carbon capture and storage (CCS) is needed to achieve this goal. Recently, a team of experts found a way to reduce carbon emissions and capture and store them safely.

Natural Way to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

Carbon capture is not a new thing for nature. A kind of enzyme called carbonic anhydrase has existed in nature and provides a more efficient way of capturing. This is the focus of a study conducted by biotechnology company Novozyme under its head of carbon capture and storage Klaus Skaalum Lassen. The team developed an enzymatic carbon capture process to serve as a less expensive and greener alternative to solvent-based capture technology.

With the help of the global engineering company Saipem, the biological role of this enzyme in CCS is applied on an industrial scale.

As a two-way enzyme, carbonic anhydrase capture carbon dioxide from our cells and converts it into carbonate to be safely transported through our bloodstream. Inside our lungs, carbonic anhydrase turns it back into exhalable carbon dioxide. It can absorb a million carbon dioxide molecules per second.

The solution proposed by Lassen and his team involves flue gasses without purification. Since the waste product will not corrode the equipment to be used, it can save on materials costs and lessen environmental contamination by toxins.

READ ALSO: Enzyme Neutralizes Toxic Nitrous Oxide: A New Tool for Reducing Gas in the Atmosphere

The Need for a Better Approach

An analysis from NOAA's Global Monitoring Lab reveals that the global average atmospheric carbon dioxide was 414.72 ppm as of 2021. During the Paris Agreement of UNFCCC, experts suggest limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.

Over the past centuries, there has been a rise in carbon emissions from fossil fuel combustion due to industrial activities such as processing, manufacturing, and commercial consumption. A number of solutions have been suggested to help mitigate the consequences of climate change. Some of these approaches include a transition to renewable energy sources and a shift to electric and low-carbon alternatives. However, each solution comes with challenges in terms of effectiveness and sustainability.

The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions agrees that carbon capture, utilization, and storage is the only practical way to decarbonize the industrial sector. In using enzymatic carbon capture, chemicals are replaced with biodegradable enzymes, which makes the process less energy intensive. It was also proven that the enzymatic process hcancapture over 90% of carbon dioxide emissions like the conventional method, but it is more sustainable for many industrial sectors.

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Check out more news and information on Climate Change in Science Times.