A disgruntled and excessively farting passenger aboard an American Airlines flight forced the plane to go back to the gate. Personnel also ended up removing the passenger from the flight.

Excessively Farting Passenger Aboard American Airlines Flight

The gas bomb came while the plane was still on the ground. The flight was from Phoenix, Arizona and was bound to Austin, Texas. This was according to a Reddit post that went viral.

User lamgalatx wrote that before the majority boarded the plane, the user was able to observe an audibly disgruntling man. As soon as the man sat down, he grumbled something under his breath.

When most passengers boarded the plane, he then exclaimed regarding the perceptions of people about rudeness and then proceeded to fart. The user explains not knowing exactly what provoked the comment. Though it may have been quite funny to hear, it was an uncalled-for situation involving an adult man on an airplane.

However, the man's rude behavior didn't stop there. Some people on the plane replied to the man regarding his behavior. At some point, flight attendants intervened in the situation.

According to the Redditor, the plane was already taxiing on the runway. However, it came to a stop. The user notes that an announcement was issued to inform the passengers that they were returning to the gate.

When they reached the gate, the flight attendant informed the fartman that he would not be staying on the flight, which he expressed not being able to understand. She then tells him that they will discuss things once they leave the plane. The man eventually grabbed his bag and left the plane.

The user adds that they all felt relieved when the man was removed. The flight was delayed by 15 to 30 minutes.

ALSO READ: How Dangerous is Holding in A Fart? Experts Explain the Possible Consequences of Taking a Pass in Passing Gas

Flatulence Explained

Flatulence refers to gas buildup within the digestive system that can result in abdominal discomfort. Farting reflects gut bacterial activity. It is normal for digestion. When farting is excessive, it is referred to as excessive flatus or excessive flatulence.

Consuming hard-to-digest foods as well as certain medications could lead to more farting. At times, frequent farting can also take place when people have specific food intolerances or some underlying medical conditions. These conditions may include celiac disease, autoimmune pancreatitis, Crohn's disease, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease, eating disorders, irritable bowel disease, and gastroparesis, among others. These digestive conditions can affect normal digestion and place stress on the digestive system. This typically results in excessive farting.

Other possible causes of excessive farting include constipation, stress, or bacterial type or amount changes in the digestive tract.

Excessive farting can typically be controlled by lifestyle and diet changes. However, there are cases where medical attention is necessary.

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