(Photo : CTRL - A Meal Replacement on Unsplash)

Although food can be filling, it isn't always nutrient-rich. This is especially true for growing bodies, which is why health experts often recommend supplements to compensate for the deficit. One such essential building block of the body is protein.

Whey protein has become especially popular in body-building and gym circles. A bottle or sachet of white powder is all you need to kick your workout off correctly. But what benefits could whey offer for general health? And what are some common misconceptions about the supplement? Here are the health facts.

The Positives of Protein Supplements

Chances are, you've heard of whey at least once in the last couple of years. Its connection to the gym and body-building industry has brought its benefits to the spotlight, and for good reason. Bodybuilders and other fitness athletes always look for the best way to optimize their workouts. Protein is essential to muscle development, but it can be difficult to ingest in the required amounts.

This is where the protein powder can step in. Here are some of the significant benefits you stand to gain from whey.

Getting the Protein Your Body Needs

This nugget sits at the root of the benefit tree and stems from the nature of whey protein itself. Whey is a component of the milk we know and love, separated as a byproduct during cheese production. Milk is rich in protein, and whey benefits from this property, ultimately refined to the final product.

It's easy to see this as just another source of protein, but you'd be half right. However, one standout difference is how easily protein is digested. It takes less to break it down to the amino acid building blocks used to develop the body.

It is so effective that some experts like Aneeq recommend whey for good health even if you are not going to the gym.

Reduced Inflammation

Anyone who has gotten hurt somehow understands that the body swells when it takes significant damage. It can also swell when muscles are overexerted. This swelling is no cause for alarm and is the body's way of protecting the damaged parts and preventing worse trauma.

Your body needs to heal from these injuries, and whey protein in large quantities can help the healing process and reduce swelling faster. A lot of promising studies have been done, one of which measured the markers attributed to swelling in the body.

A study showed that supplementing with over 20g of whey significantly reduced the presence of swelling-related markers in the body.

Benefits Body Builders

You might want to pay attention to this part if your gains are important to you. Whey and creatine lord over the gym industry. Athletes invest thousands of dollars annually to purchase and maintain their protein supplies alone. 

It's easy to believe this is only because of gym FOMO, but you cannot deny the positive results whey has on the body. Remember that you'd still need to do the work, but with whey, you get the fuel needed to grow your muscles to a desirable size.

Consistency is the key to getting the desired results from whey protein use. This is harder than it sounds, considering whey is a white powder with a muted flavor profile. It's up to the athlete to discover creative wheys to hit their recommended daily intake. Some like to include whey in their smoothies or use it as a base for cooking.

Fighting Your Hunger

Sculpting your body is a battle with two major fronts. The one many people try to focus on is exercise, but a lousy diet can undo all your hard work at the gym. That said, it's easy to understand why people are prickly about their diets. A lot of self-control is required to eat right, and hunger pangs often plague those attempting to shift their diet.

Thankfully, whey also steps up in this regard and is very filling. With whey protein, you can knock out two birds with one stone: getting your required protein for the day and abaiting feelings of hunger. This will help you make smarter diet decisions and bring you closer to your fitness goals.

The Steroid Juxtaposition

This is the elephant in the room, especially from the fitness circle. Steroids are performance and result-enhancing drugs that are heavily frowned upon in body-building. Whey is very different and cannot compensate for a lack of effort.

One way to distinguish the two is to think of whey as building material and steroids as fuel. Whey is naturally sourced from milk, and the protein is isolated to produce whey protein. Labeling protein dangerous is similar to saying milk is unfit for consumption.

Your Hair Will Fall Out if You Take Whey

On the contrary, protein is required for hair growth, and whey provides the building blocks necessary for a full head of hair. Whether or not your body effectively uses those building blocks varies. Now, the creatine present in some whey proteins is a different story.

But all in all, you do not need to let the fear of hair loss keep you from taking advantage of whey protein.

Orchestrates Organ Failure

Some people fail to realize that medical supplements undergo rigorous testing before they are made available on the market. The research on whey protein has yet to yield such an extreme result or reaction.

Essentially, your organs bear no risk if you incorporate whey protein into your diet. Just be sure to buy authentic products and stick to the prescribed daily amount.

Adding Creatine to the Mix

Whey and creatine contribute to the same goal but take different routes. Both supplements should feature in your diet, but taking them together will not enhance their individual effects. That being said, it's great to have protein and creatine on hand when necessary.

The Right Source

Popular products will have off-brand variants, sketchy replicas, and more. Protein is no different. There are tens, if not hundreds, of brands that offer whey protein. Fortunately, you don't need to discover the right one through trial and error. Ask your friends who work out, and you will surely get some solid recommendations.

If you have no friends, you can always search online for reviews, but make sure the reviews aren't sponsored for the best information.

We Only Get One Life

As cliché as this might sound, it isn't any less accurate. You don't want to live a life full of regrets, and the best way to avoid this is to take an active interest in your health. Make the right changes so you can feel better and more productive. Forming the proper habits might not be easy, but they will become a part of you over time.