(Photo : Unsplash)

Email has become one of the most used means of communication for most businesses in this digital era. It is an efficient and effective way to connect with clients, customers, and stakeholders. When it comes to quantity, there is no better solution than a purchased email list. However, email use comes with lots of security concerns, including fraud and spam. This article will focus on the importance of purchased email verification for your business.

What is Purchased Email Verification?

Email verification is simply the process of checking the status of your purchased email list, ensuring it is up-to-date and all addresses can receive emails. This process helps organisations and businesses clearly understand their data throughout their marketing campaign. Moreover, it enables businesses to measure the success of their email marketing campaigns accurately. Email verification can take place in two ways:

  • Real-time: The process takes place when the data is entered into the system via an API.
  • On-demand: Occurs at specific times, like when cleaning an address list.

    However, most businesses and organisation use both types to ensure the older data is cleared routinely and new data is always up-to-date. This is where the email validation software comes in. Using email verification tools is one of the easiest and most effective ways to maintain the quality of your purchased email list. This software will help you identify and eliminate invalid addresses from the list.

    This software's working principle is to check each address's deliverability and accuracy. They will eliminate emails with syntax errors and typos, those no longer in use, and those known as fake or invalid.

    The best part is that you can choose from many email verification tools, from simple and free tools to complex tools that can give detailed info about each email address. When selecting the right email verification tool, it is essential to pick a reliable, easy-to-use, and accurate one.

    Reason for Having Verified Email Addresses

    (Photo : Gemma Evans on Unsplash)

    There are many ways of promoting your business, email campaigns being one of the top. However, the effectiveness of email campaigns relies on using a correct and valid email list. Verifying your emails means the message will reach the right individuals and have low to zero bounce messages.

    The importance of purchased email verification cannot be overlooked, especially for email campaigns. Email verification eliminates potential challenges like undelivered messages, high bounce rates, and being blocked or reported as spam. Below are several important reasons you should verify your purchased email list before starting an email campaign.

    Increase Engagement and Open Rates

    Outdated or unverified email addresses mean you will send messages to people no longer interested, decreasing your engagement and open rates. This means fewer people will be taking action or clicking your campaign links, considering the lower number of individuals opening and reading your emails.

    People no longer interested in your email may delete or ignore it without ever opening it. Also, they may have stopped using the address you currently have, meaning your message will end up in an inbox that will never be checked on time. In terms of engagement, unverified email addresses can lead to poor segmentation or inaccurate personalization. For instance, sending a product promotion email to a client who has already purchased it.

    Poor email marketing efforts can lead to decreased engagement and open rates. Verifying your purchased email addresses can improve the relevance and quality of your email campaign. In return, it will help increase open rates and engagement.

    Reduce Bounce Rates

    There is a higher chance of an increased bounce rate when you have an unverified purchased email list. This can, in return, cause damage to the sender's reputation. The percentage of returned emails to the sender after sending them to invalid emails is referred to as the bounce rate. The emails will likely bounce when sent to invalid email addresses or those no longer in use.

    Sender reputation is measured by the credibility and trustworthiness of email addresses. High bounce rates can damage your reputation during your marketing campaign. This means that your emails will be flagged as spam, reducing your ability to reach a wide, active audience. High bounce rates can also lead to suspension or termination of your account.

    In a Nutshell

    Email verification is important for any business aiming to enhance its email marketing campaign. The optimal approach is to utilise email validation tools to verify the validity of your purchased email list. This will guarantee an effective and powerful email campaign to achieve the set marketing goals.