Global warming is hitting the Earth badly. Recently, scientists have found that the frigid top of the Earth has a new record for the low level of sea ice. The experts say it is a signal that the Earth is overheating.

In the Arctic, the extent of the floating ice slams a new low for winter. It measures around 5.57 million square miles that are about 35,000 square miles or 97,000 square kilometers. However, it is below the 2015 record.

Thus, the director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center located in Colorado, Mark Serreze said the Arctic is in a "deep hole." When the summer and spring season is coming, it would mean more regions will be ice-free, according to Phys.Org.

Serreze added that "It's a key part of the Earth's climate system and we're losing it. We're losing the ice in all seasons now." The findings were released Wednesday.

As for Antarctica, the other end of the world, it also reaches a record with low mark. The sea ice also hit the lowest point this March. The Antarctic sea ice differs widely compared to the Artic sea ice, that is steadily decreasing.

The center for ice date measures how wide the sea ice extends, that is based on the satellite imagery. However, the measurement of the overall volume and the thickness of the ice is a challenge for the experts. But, according to the data from the University of Washington, it revealed that the volume of the ice last month was down to 42 percent since 1979. As per chief Axel Schweiger from the polar science center.

Meanwhile, SBS reported that several scientists mentioned that the loss of the sea ice is disturbing. The experts blame the combination of the natural random weather and the man-made global warming such as the burning of coal, gas, and oil. As a matter of fact, Serreze shared that the winter of 2016-2017 was unusually toasty and the Arctic experience three "extreme heat waves."

In line, retired admiral and meteorology professor David W. Titley from the Pennsylvania State University said that "It's evidence that the climate at the top of the world continues to change faster than anywhere else on Earth. It impacts to us that are still frankly unknown."