Making superconductivity at room temperature has been a big question for scientists. Now, it is possible to make superconductor at room temperature as the scientists have found that laser pulse can trigger the interaction between electrons to produce superconductivity.

Prior to the research, superconductivity is only able to achieve in the sub-zero temperature. As the expulsion of magnetic flux fields can only occur in the very low temperature. However, scientists in Italy has found the possibility to make a superconductivity at room temperature using laser pulse.

In the official news release, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste reported that its scientists along with their colleagues from Università Cattolica di Brescia and the Politecnico di Milano have found that laser pulses are able to snap the electronic interactions in a compound containing copper, oxygen, and bismuth. The result is a condition when electrons do not repel each other. Moreover, this condition does not require a very low temperature, thus creating a superconductivity at room temperature.

With the specific laser technique, scientists investigated the nonequilibrium regime to understand the properties of the materials. This enables the electrical current to flow with zero resistance, an important condition to create superconductivity at room temperature.

“Using a laser pulse, we drove the material out of its equilibrium state," the scientists explained their method to create a condition for superconductivity in room temperature. "Metaphorically, it was like taking a series of snapshots of the different properties of that material at different moments.”

The scientists have published their research in the Nature Physics Journal. A superconductor is a very important material, as it can conduct electricity and transport electrons from one atom to another with no resistance. However, it is very difficult to create superconductivity at room temperature, as the superconductivity itself require a change of materials to be in an extremely low energy state, or a very cold temperature as the experiment below explains: