The Earth's boiling twin planet, Venus has a long-time history why it only has few volcanoes. Now, a team of researchers has known the reason why the planet has only a few rare volcanoes.

Venus- is known to be as Earth's boiling twin planet and the closest to Earth with an almost similar size is the toughest to study, Time reported. It is because Venus has a shroud of thick and opaque clouds that makes it impossible for scientists to see what's behind the thick bunch of clouds even with the most powerful telescopes. Furthermore, Venus has a sweltering surface temperature of about 900 degrees Fahrenheit that is enough to toast any astronomers that will land for just a few minutes.

Meanwhile, in 2006, lead author Emmanuel Marcq has caught a volcanic eruption in Venus which caused the sharp decline of the planet's sulfur dioxide. The data was taken through a probe Venus Express of the European Space Agency. Since then, the eruption has led to future researchers on the surface of the Venus planet.

Until recently, Phys reported a new study which discovered the long-time mystery why there are just a few rare volcanoes on Venus. The study was discovered by a team of researchers led by the University of St. Andrews. Dr. Sami Mikhail has been studying Venus for a long time and why a volcano is a rare object on the planet even though it's almost like Earth.

Dr. Mikhail is from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of St. Andrews. He worked along with his colleagues from the University of Strasbourg. Through Dr. Mikhail, the team has revealed that it is the intense heat on Venus which gives less solid crust compared to Earth.

The Venus's crust is plastic-like wherein lava magmas cannot move through cracks in the planet's crust and form volcanoes. Because of the soft crust, the tectonic plates are prevented from forming and gets stuck in its squidgy planetary layer instead. Thus, even though Venus is a considered as the Earth's twin planet, its geological and environmental conditions makes it different from Earth.