Everyone who wants to lose weight has been told that the secret to achieving that ideal weight is to exercise more and eat less. However, this may present a rather obvious problem that people often overlook. Did you know that engaging in high energy activities throughout the day also makes you hungrier, faster? So the risk is there when you overcompensate with the energy use by eating a whole lot of extra.

You might end up putting on more weight than you want. The sad part is that you are not shedding off those extra pounds. Nutritionists and other dieticians could only dream of the day they could offer their clients a diet design that will make them shed off more pounds in a month than they could lose in six months at present.

How do you make them move more without wanting to eat more food? The process is trickier than we think. It is not just about the body's natural mechanism that needs food to be able to exert more energy. This is not the only aspect of this diet and exercise balance that makes the whole situation more complicated.

In an ideal set-up, the body would be able to detect changes in the amount of energy present and the amount of energy needed to continue working. In turn, the body would be able to tell how much food it needs to even it out. However, that is not the case. The body has a predetermined schedule of at least three times a day, sometimes, if one works harder and exerts more effort, they could feel hungrier more. Also, the body releases a stronger signal when it speaks of the appetite than when it reminds the body that it is already full.

There is still a lot that we are yet to understand when it comes to how the body processes food and how an increase in activity and stress affects the body. Every type of body burns fat in a different way. Some choose to burn calories by going to the gym while others choose to burn them while walking around the mall and shopping. Some would engage in more household work and that helps them lose weight.

Most research projects on weight loss focus on the combination of diet and exercise and how it helps determine the amount of weight a person loses in a given time frame. While some may follow a particular pattern, the others include the fact that they tend to eat more when they feel that they have exerted more than the usual. Overweight people are more likely to overeat.

So how does one lose weight then? What would be a more effective method? "The ideal weight can only be achieved when there is a right balance between your food intake and your exerted energy," says Alex Johnstone, a personal chair in Nutrition at the University of Aberdeen. However, one should always be on caution to make sure that they do not overcompensate in order to strike a balance between the two. The secret to weight loss is simple -- eat what you need and exert as much energy as you can. When you burn more and eat less, it won't be long 'til you get that weight you've always wanted.