Thyme is a tasty herb with therapeutic properties that has many health benefits. Thyme tea can help to lower blood pressure, clear up respiratory infections, soothe a hacking cough, and lower anxiety. Your skin can also benefit from using thyme essential oil, to clear infections and treat the symptoms of acne.

You can make thyme tea from fresh sprigs of the thyme herb or you can use dried thyme. Another way to benefit from thyme is to make a thyme tincture by steeping thyme leaves in alcohol. You can also add thyme essential oil to a carrier oil and apply the remedy to your skin. In whatever way you decide to use this delicious and medicinal herb, you will surely benefit from it.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is an aromatic plant that grows well in hot, sunny locations. Thyme has also been recognized for its medicinal properties and has been used widely in traditional medicine. The Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology reports that thyme herb is packed with antioxidants. In fact, from among the various medicinal herbs, fresh thyme is the most potent herb with many health benefits.

There is also a lot of nutritional content in thyme leaves. Thyme contains high levels of vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. Researchers have found that thyme contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, and phosphorus.

Because thyme tea is so healthy and good for you, it is sometimes recommended to treat mouth infections, alleviate digestive upset, and help cure respiratory infections. Its high levels of vitamin C means that thyme extracts are also good for strengthening your immune system.

One of the benefits to your heart of drinking thyme tea is that it helps treat hypertension. The journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition reported that the antioxidative properties of thyme help lower blood pressure. In animal studies, consuming thyme extracts helped reduce hypertension and lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Another study found that consuming thyme extracts helped to reduce blood pressure and lower heart rate. One of the other cardiovascular benefits of thyme was to lower LDL cholesterol. This is the type of cholesterol that is connected with heart disease.

Experts suggest that if you have high blood pressure, consume 2-3 cups of thyme tea daily to help control hypertension. You can also use thyme to lower blood pressure by using the deliciously-tasting herb as a flavor in your meals instead of salt. Doctors say that reducing sodium in your diet is essential for your cardiovascular health and addressing hypertension.